Special Features

Disability Group Launches Doorstep Challenge to Candidates on Independent Living

People with physical and sensory disabilities in Dublin are giving candidates in the forthcoming General Election a doorstep challenge on their understanding of independent living and personal assistance services. Dublin's Centre for Independent Living and the Dublin Leader Forum have issued the challenge through their members calling for improved services and an end to the waiting lists for personal assistance for people with disabilities.

The embarrassment of eVoting

So far the roll-out of electronic voting has cost the State €51 million, almost double the original estimate of €33 million. The machines were used in some constituencies in the last election in 2002 but their roll out was halted in 2004 amid concerns from the Commission on Electronic Voting about their reliability. A final report by the commission last July said the counting technology, a computer programme, could be manipulated to change the outcome of a vote, and in tests it sometimes eliminated the wrong candidate.
