
Budget developed with a microscope when a telescope was required

Budget 2012 “was developed with a microscope when a telescope was required” according to human rights and justice group Social Justice Ireland. The group has criticised the Government’s failure to focus on longer term and wider issues such as declining domestic demand, persistent long-term unemployment, public debt sustainability and growing poverty and inequality.

Growing inequality met with general indifference

The political classes and the media seem largely indifferent to the deep inequality in Irish society. By Vincent Browne.

The Anglo-Irish Treaty which established quasi-independence for 26 of the 32 counties of Ireland was signed 90 years ago yesterday.

'Hyper-austerity the wrong route to recovery' - TASC

In an initial response to the public spending cuts announced by Minister Brendan Howlin as part of Budget 2012, director of independent economic think tank TASC Nat O’Connor said that, although some individual measures announced by Minister Howlin yesterday were to be welcomed, the overall package of cuts announced represents a continuation of an economic strategy that has not worked.  O’Connor warned against embedding what he termed a “low-spend, low-tax economic model of economic development” which will render our economy less resilient and perpetuate inequality.

The job destruction budget

Budget 2012 will decimate employment in the State. Never mind the rhetoric. By Michael Taft.

Despite the Taoiseach’s 17 references to jobs in his national address last night, the budget presented this afternoon will cut between 15,000 and 20,000 jobs from the economy next year. In other words, there would be between 15,000 and 20,000 more people at work next year were it not for the budgetary measures announced this afternoon. This is, by any definition, a jobs destruction budget.

It hasn't gone away, you know.

HIV and AIDS have dropped off the media's radar. While infection rates in Ireland are on a downward trend, one way to keep those rates going down is through awareness; something the media can play a role in. By David Johnson.

An authority on evil

William Golding, the author of The Lord of the Flies, was born 100 years ago this year. A man tormented by demons both on and off the page, he was a writer with an intimate understanding of man's capacity for violence and cruelty and his brilliant and desperate novels take an uncompromising look at human evil. By Ed O'Hare.
