BAI report incoherent, inconclusive, and incomplete

The BAI report into RTÉ’s libelling of Fr Kevin Reynolds is incoherent, inconclusive, and incomplete. There should be another inquiry into the inquiry – one that also looks at Pat Rabbitte’s botching of his role in the affair. By Vincent Browne.

The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland simply did not have the legal authority to conduct a comprehensive investigation into RTÉ’s culpability over the Kevin Reynolds affair.

The Fiscal Treaty files: Will it cost us?

The Government and their austerity supporters have co-opted the language of progressives to avoid answering a fundamental question:  what the cost of the Fiscal Treaty will be in terms of future austerity measures. By Michael Taft.

Ungoverned democracy: Greece after the elections

The results of the elections have brought an end to the post-Junta era in Greek history dominated by New Democracy and PASOK. But if this is a vote for something new, it is by no means clear what this "new" will be. By Iannis Carras.

There were no flags flying in Athens tonight.

As I take the metro home and walk through the half-empty streets of Athens shock is written all over people’s faces; shock or despair. The full moon stares down, accusingly.

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Brady's humanity was blunted by the Catholic Church

The ethos, regularities, hierarchies and deferences of the Catholic Church created a mindset in Seán Brady which quietened in him the normal human impulses to care for children in danger. By Vincent Browne.

Several years ago, I had a brief meeting with Seán Brady in a hotel lobby, a meeting spontaneously instigated by him. My fleeting impression was he was a decent, modest man, and nothing that has been revealed since then disturbs that impression.

Mingling business models: Ireland, Apple and China

It is rather surprising now to be reminded of the significant negative opinion that the Irish political establishment had of China in 2007. It is best illustrated by the high profile campaign calling for countries to boycott the 2008 Beijing Olympics which gained the support of independent senators, Fine Gael (in the form of Simon Coveney), Labour, Fianna Fáil and the Green Party.

Is the pursuit of a neoliberal agenda itself corrupt?

Below, Vincent Browne blogs ahead of tonight's show.

Tonight we discuss corruption, arising from Elaine’s Byrne’s book, Political Corruption in Ireland 1922- 2010. It details a litany of corrupt practices on the part of politicians and others. {jathumbnailoff}

But: Is it corrupt for politicians to so structure society as to benefit an elite to the detriment of a majority or even a large minority of the people?
