Science & Nature
Westaston Estate at Kilmacurragh
Nature: Laying the golden egg
Skype Phones and Airless Tyres
Birds: Great Northern Diver (Lóma Mór), Gavia immer
Moth the hell?
Walks: Kindlestown Wood, Greystones, Co Wicklow
Nature: Choking the oak
21st-century Shakepeare
Birds: Red Grouse (Cearc fhraoigh, Lagopus lagopus)
A traditional quarry species for hunters, the Red Grouse is known to many by name if not by appearance. Confined to heather moorland and upland bogs, the Irish population has been declining recently, and hunting has been strictly limited. Whether this will enable the species to recover in this country remains to be seen, but it is still a widespread, if scarce, resident throughout.