A much-maligned species
We give wasps a raw deal – after all, we're the ones masquerading as flowers, says Éanna Ní Lamhna
We give wasps a raw deal – after all, we're the ones masquerading as flowers, says Éanna Ní Lamhna
Blog is short for "weblog". Wikipedia's definition is "a type of website where entries are made (such as in a journal or diary), displayed in a reverse chronological order". A few years ago, they were just engines for web-crazy folks to publish their daily thoughts and commentary. An online journal, either public or private. Now, with the maturing of the internet and broadband, blog ownership has spread like wildfire, with millions of professional and amateur blogs and bloggers.
Often confused with its close relative the swallow, the House Martin is the bird that builds its cup-shaped mud nest under the eaves of houses in towns and villages all over Ireland. Strictly summer visitors, they start to arrive in April and depart again by October; it is known that they winter in sub-Saharan Africa, but, amazingly, the exact location of their main wintering grounds is still unknown.
The key attraction of podcasts is that, with the right tools, they can be created by professionals and amateurs alike. It is important to note that even if you don't earn money from your podcast, you are still subject to copyright law. This means you can't just use music or film clips without permission. There are several good websites with "pod-safe" music available free of charge to podcasters, as long as they give credit to the artist and the website.
Podcasts and vidcasts are audio and video shows available over the internet. Not to be confused with internet radio, podcasts aren't live or broadcast. They are downloadable content-on-demand, perfect for listening to or watching on an iPod or other audio/video device.