The election on the web - a selection, with emphasis on dot ie

Obama did it in the US three years ago – now Ireland is having its first fully digital election. We will be sampling the digital offering of campaign news and views, and after 25 February will assess just how important the internet and other platforms were in influencing the outcome.

For the first time, news, commentary and current affairs websites are a developed presence in an Irish general election.

Election 2011 in the papers: 31 Jan - 7 Feb

The highlight of the first week of election coverage would have to be centred around Enda Kenny, whether your pick is the photograph of him on the front page of the Independent on Friday, or the brouhaha surrounding his refusal to take part in the three-way leaders' debate on TV3, writes Angela Long.

As of Sunday night, Mr Kenny was declining on the grounds that his busy campaigning schedule did not permit time out to attend the commercial broadcaster's studios in Ballymount, Dublin 23.

Austerity, mon amour

The really real world of what David McNally calls the neoliberal mutation requires a renewed lexicon. The 'necessity' of gouging public expenditure to reassure investors - dismayed by the very government debts that have guaranteed their survival - has given rise to an 'age of austerity'.

Yes, there is an alternative

Thus far, the general election campaign has been marked by 'don't hold me back' style commitments by the major parties to renegotiating the EU/IMF deal.

Love life? Love Enda

Following the launch of the Edelman Trust Barometer and Enda Kenny's affirmation that he stands for trust, trust and more trust, Eadaoin O'Sullivan looks at nodding dog syndrome and why some world views appear more credible than others.


Migrant workers must not be used as a political football

Integration is a two-way process, interculturalism enriches all our lives; migrants, you've been so vibrant, but now off you pop to where you come from. In advance of an election campaign in which prominent politicians with a track record of populist pronouncements will star, Siobhan O Donoghue outlines the precarious situation of many people who have migrated to Ireland, and sets out mimimum issues that any new government must address.
