Anatomy of an election 69

About the only constructive innovation among Mr. Lynch's Cabinet changes was the promise to create a new department for Housing and Physical Development with Mr. Blaney to be in charge. This presumably will mean a higher priority for one of the nation's most pressing social needs as well as greater prominence for a neglected aspect of Irish economic affairs. Apart from that, the numerous promotions, demotions and "transmotions" effected by Mr. Lynch seem only to be aimed at concealing the absence of substantative change by making a multiplicity of minor alterations.

Religion-Vatican conflict

Dr. ll'lario Schoenellberger, the first high ranking Jesuit to speak out 01/ issues of conscience, resigrled voluntarily from the Society of Jesus last April.
His action has callsed one oj the greatest sensations in the order's 435 years of existence, arid has electrified the Chllrch's internal debate on the conscience of the priest.

Jack's blunder

JACK LYNCH has blundered already, he hasn't yet learnt that he simply mustn't do anything or take any decisions without first clearing it with Haughey. Charlie had decided on who were going to be Parliamentary Secretaries and attached to what Ministries. The suave wheeler-dealer Gerry Collins was to be Chief Whip and Party Manager. Bobby Molloy was to join his "Guru" George Colley in Industry and Commerce and the Gaeltacht, and Des O'Malley was to assume part of the Donogh mantle in Education. However, just one hour before Jack was to make the announcement in the Dail-somebody said that.
