Too stupid to vote?

There is an idea abroad. It is the idea that the Irish people are inveterately thick; incapable of rational choice or decision making. Saying that people are too stupid to understand something is the first refuge of the terminally technocratic when faced with dissent. More than that, considering the people “too stupid” for real change reveals one's own unwillingness to be self-critical and constructive about failure as well as revealing an ironic disdain for others, argues Angela Nagle.

What is neoliberalism and why does it matter?

In the first of a two-part series, Aidan Regan traces a history of neoliberalism, and shows why its supremacy as explanans for all economic activity is based neither on the rigour of its methods or the predictive power of its hypotheses, but on a simple moral argument about the superiority of the individual over the collective; the private over public.

The boys are back in town... for 182 days of the year at most

We are constantly reassured that there is immense talent and creativity in the country. What a gift, then, when an elite Brains Trust bands together to put Ireland First, relatively speaking. Mary Gilmartin examines the anatomy of yet another proposal for national management.

Ireland first! Gibraltar a close second!

Remaking the country in one’s image, or at least in ways that fit snugly with one’s interests, is all the rage among Ireland’s golfing cosmopolitan elite. On the day when Ed Walsh called for the implementation of economic ‘martial law’, Patrick Barry examines Dermot Desmond’s drive to become Ireland’s leading political moustache.

Fast forward to the Counter-Reformation

Dermot Desmond has jetted in for the weekend to join the chorus of voices calling for political reform. Jason Walsh examines several branches of the new reformation, and argues that what they have in common is distrust of the electorate.

Campaign rhetoric and the geographies of the economic crisis

Remember when Ireland was but a straw blown about and broken by the ill winds of global collapse? When it was Lehman Brothers wot did it? As the austerity agenda becomes more deeply embedded as the touchstone of Irish political realism, any sustained analysis of what the global capitalist crisis actually meant for Ireland recedes. Patricia K Wood examines the shrinking geography of crisis and conceivable responses.
