
Greek protesters weary but determined

Paul Murphy is in Greece this week, meeting with workers, trade unionists and members of parliament. He'll be reporting daily on his experiences there; part one is below.

Greece is a smokescreen to hide the mother of all bank bailouts

The terms of the European 'bailouts' - the severe public spending cuts, the onslaught on public ownership – all reflect the experience of the developing world in the 1980s and ’90s. By Nick Dearden.

Eurozone finance ministers who sat in Brussels and decided Greece’s future on Monday should have attended yesterday’s well-timed University of London conference on learning lessons from Latin America.

Greek default does not equal Greek exit

Perhaps the greatest enemy of the Eurozone, at this particular juncture, is an erroneous assumption: that a Greek default is inextricably linked to a Greek exit from the Eurozone. The problem with this assumption is twofold: First, it prevents Europe from escaping a trap of its own making. Secondly, it is false. By Yanis Varoufakis.

France’s sombre destiny

While history tells us that Marine Le Pen would not stand a chance in the second round of the presidential elections, it has also shown that France could take a terrible turn as a result of her mere presence. By Aurelien Mondon.
