
The art of 'chokes

Artichokes are best served simply with a bowl of melted butter. By Darina Allen

A glimpse into Paradise

Billy Leahy looks at two artists exhibiting at the Douglas Hyde gallery – emerging Irish artist Mark Garry and San Francisco-based Laura Owens

The Constant Gate

Colin Murphy braves the tour groups and summer heat for the kind of unthreatening production the Gate do best

Why farmers' markets work

Farmers' markets boost local economies, help the environment, remove the need for excessive packaging – and most of all, the food tastes better

Homage to the Hiker

A reverent approach to a tired classic. Colin Murphy sees Druid's production of The Year of the Hiker

Get it while it's hot (or cold)!

The wild Irish salmon season is upon us. Darina Allen advises on how to recognise the best fish, and what to do when we get them home
