
Streets paved with theatre

Colin Murphy sent off a ten-minute script to Fishamble Theatre Company, and found himself caught up in an attempt to turn Temple Bar into one great theatre

Teasing tourist trap

Candida Höfer's photographs of Dublin interiors have potential but are essentially 'tourist brochure photos' writes Billy Leahy

How to act

Colin Murphy visits the new Mill Theatre in Dundrum town centre

Good berries

Everyone should have a mixed farm next-door to provide a variety of homegrown fruit and veg all year round. Darina Allen tells us about hers

Fashioning the crooked tree

Breaking wood apart to put it back together again, Jared Pankin reminds us of the delicate relationship between man and nature. Review by Billy Leahy

Two packed lunches

A lunchtime in Dublin can be spent falling in love or just watching others do it, says Colin Murphy

Showbands: 'Send them home sweating'

Transit vans. Country niteclubs. Crazed fans. Cover bands are today's answer to the showbands of the '60s, entertaining crowds around the country with their brand of rock entertainment. By Mike Stafford

America, a poem in our eyes

Billy Leahy on Camilo José Vergara's exhibition at the Gallery of Photography: a series of images that track, without emotion or commentary, urban change in America
