
Wigmore 27 June 1985 - Gorbachev and Ulick, Frank Flannery, Dick Spring, Michael Noonan, Sunday Trib

TROUBLES CROWD in on the decrepit Gorbachev regime in the USSR. Hooliganism, alcoholism, petty theft and joy riding in official cars are widespread as the working class expresses its discontent with its corrupt state-capitalist rules. A .thoroughgoing revolution which will sweep this collection of vodka-soaked gangsters into oblivion is, of course, the only ultimate answer. In the meantime, Ulick O'Connor and the National Union of Jourrnalists will do their best.

Wigmore 27 June 1985 - Gorbachev and Ulick, Frank Flannery, Dick Spring, Michael Noonan, Sunday Trib

TROUBLES CROWD in on the decrepit Gorbachev regime in the USSR. Hooliganism, alcoholism, petty theft and joy riding in official cars are widespread as the working class expresses its discontent with its corrupt state-capitalist rules. A .thoroughgoing revolution which will sweep this collection of vodka-soaked gangsters into oblivion is, of course, the only ultimate answer. In the meantime, Ulick O'Connor and the National Union of Jourrnalists will do their best.

Wigmore 16 June 1985 - Thomas Donnelly, David Norris, RTE coverage of McGuigan-Pedroza

IT IS PLEASANT to record that not everyone has collapsed into Evening Herald/Irish Times-style hyssteria over the supposed "crime crisis": pleasant not only because the heighhtened emotion of recent times has militated against rational consideration of the issues involved and obstructed sober assessment of the measures which do need to be taken, but also - and more importantly - because this style of reportage has significantly hindered the work of probation offiicers and of the welfare services geneerally in their efforts to break down the barriers of prejudice against those _ who, for wha

Wigmore 30 May 1985 - Bruce Arnold, RUC and Garda, Sue Reid, Ann O'Sullivan

WHOOPS, HOLLERS and rousing choruses of "The Boys of the Old Brigade" heard in the vicinity of Downey's Pub in Ballyfermot last Monday week did not, after all, emanate from local Sinn Feiners celebrating the party's showing in the North's local elections. The cause of the Republican joy was much closer to home.

Diary 16 May 1985

Reform School Closes

THE DEPARTMENT OF Education seems determined to follow the Department of Justice in repeating the mistakes made in the treatment of young offenders in the sixties and seventies.

Wigmore - 2 May 1985 - Michael Noonan, abortion, An Garda, RUC, Dublin Corpo, Ronald Reagan

NICKY KELLY'S case for damages finally comes before the High Court this month. This is the case which he was explicitly invited by Justice Minister Michael Noonan to bring. Mr Noonan drew Kelly's attention to this option in a statement issued on June 7 1983 in which he added that Kelly could expect speedy treatment from the courts and that a "favourable outcome could be adduced as relevant, even only indirectly, to the question of his imprisonment. "
