Texts and Emails, Monday 16 August 2010

Topic: what is the difference between the three main political parties in Ireland? 

Panellists: Thomas Byrne TD (FF), Brian Hayes TD (FG), Senator Alex White (Lab), Aine Kerr (Irish Independent) and Chris Donoghue (Newstalk)

The most famous sham marriage in ireland was the greens and fianna fail. 



form a national government before we are banjaxed from 

David, Sligo


When BERTIE BIFFO & co Remain above the Law 4 neglect of kids who died in state care. TRUTH JUSTICE & FREEDOM. Doesnt serve, protect society. 

Robbie, Wexford


Is it not patently obvious by the fact that FG are a failed entity by their own admission that they only held office for 2@1\2 years out the past 20 ?get real we do'nt swallow your flatulant rantings


What Mr. Hayes et al are discussing is irrelevant. Go save us from our COWEN/CIVIL SERVANTS/ BANK Debts. And while you are doing it, have respect for the citizen. . . . 

M. Browne


FF AND FG set up Labour years ago so they wouldnt have2go in2 Coalition as it would B clear where the 2parties stood an whom they supported an it wouldnt B the Workin Class! Labour had so many who tot if they did 1good thing it B great 

David, Wicklow


The party that will win the next election is the party that is seen to root out the gangsters from the parties and is seen to make positive cuts in spending , starting with themselves. Get rid off the big cars and the goverment jet and i'll vote for you whoever you are. The cuts have to start at the top!


i have paint drying in the room and its more entertaining than tonights show


Alex 's assessment of ff is correct-the general public agree on this now


Stealth taxes, the cost of living is going 2 rise. ppl on social welfare and low pay will suffer Robbing from the poor 2 give 2 the rich is NOT Gods way


Time for an election now. Billions being wasted on anglo irish. Time for change. Goverment are completly lost & clueless. 

Des, Wicklow.


its desirable to have a change of gov its more essential to change the system


the difference between ff & labour / f.gael is that fianna fail have yatchts & the others have not. 

Declan Wynne, Droichead Atha


the old leaders of ff are probably turning in there graves at the way mr cowan and lenihan and co are running this country into the ground.

Alma, Kilkenny.


its the peoples fault we are in a mess - they listened 2 the lies of bertie, charlie, and all the other fianna failers - and wl happen again because we are foolish for ourselves - we never learn. 



I want to vote for a person I can trust. A party who spends so mutch time on holiday will not get my vote.


Their is a difference FF FG Hav always had Conservitive attitudes2 Finance an any Connection2 workin class went When Jack Lynch went in79. Labour hav many workin class Ideas but afraid 2use them till Eamon Gilmour came along,I left Labour wen told by person I called 2doors2get votes 4 I had2 stop usin As being there 4LABOUR an askin 4 a vote for our Candidate He wanted his name only,I was there4party an E represented the Party,I didnt like Coalition 4me Socialst an Conservative dont mix.Thats As i C it 

David, Wicklow


What about a national government at this stage? No one has confidence in F F aside from Lenihan who seems to be an honourable man. Neither F G or Labour are showing leadership or ideas in opposition. 



It shows how out of touch ff are when a dubln td thinks we hav a classles society


fine gael have not had an overall majority since 1932 and never will and you have dukes at anglo stop the expenses to ex taoisigh they are all the same in the three main parties .we need a new party with new ideas


Im sick of people thinking fine gael and fianna fail are all the same. Fianna fail are rotten to the core and find gael are an honest and hardworking party. 



Who gave the greens a mandate to be in government ? They got roughly four per cent of the tote. 

James, Dublin.


a crowd of overpaid wasters on 150 grand


great choice of panel 2 deal with the topic. Three young intelligent men with none of the stock cliches. Congrats. Keep it up. 

Jack, Waterford.


In the name of God Sam the country is gone down the tubes and we have to listen to this same old rubbish what we have to do is have a national government


Politics & religon have had their day and abused their power. Media must standup & fight 4 TRUTH, JUSTICE & FREEDOM. and lead us 2 the Promised Land.


I have a plan for the future of our country. Cut the tds to 80.the seanad to 40. The councils can be cut to 4 per county.The average cost is 30k for councillors and we have at least 823 .Public sector pensions capped at the average ind wage people have to live and rear families on that amount get real we are broke.


All parties sold out our country so the banks now control us. 



can any of the politicians explain the obvious disconnect between the civil servants who make policy the politicicos who deliver it, and the public? 



Irish democracy is over or shud i say did it really exist.FF FG LAB LEFT RIGHT AND CENTRE ,A NEW VOICE IS NEEDED AND IS NOW RISING .we the sovereign do not concent to servents ruling with impugnity and acting like despots .we shall overcome.ARD Ri na hEireann.

Alan O Brien, Blubell


Is there anyone there among the established parties who can uphold the ideals of a republic. By the people for the people.

Brian Thompson, Crumlin, Dublin


No difference between any of you parties.. Apart from your salaries and expenses.lets have a new type of politician.. And party. Without eye on the gravy train.. Perhaps even to work for 12 months with no salary. Lets see how many we will have for election next time around. Anne Ryan.any of you panel give up their salary present climate..?


now in the 21st century,its time to transcend the two civil war factions.labour are the only feasible future.



I have a feeling that at the end of tonights show I will be as wise as ever as to any SIGNIFICENT differences between FF and FG. 

Brendan, Cork


It is time to move on my uncle was executed in April 1923 during the Civil War but I doubt if he would vote for the present Fianna Fail government if he were to be around at present Is this what he gave his life for My uncle was only 23 yrs old 



The opposition has proved to the people through the yrs of economic madness that they failed us by their near silence. they were only interested in their salary been raised monthly they are all a self serving bunch of duds and they have taken us for the fools we are . 

Joe Doherty, Donegal


The difference between Fianna Fail and Fianna Gael is the difference between chips,fish and beans or beans,chips and fish! 

Julie, Roscarbery, West Cork


sam, why no females on panel tonight after all they're as good or even better than the boys..

Ann, Celbridge


fianna fail have destroyed this country a number of times fine gael havnt had the opportunitiy yet 

Louis Ryan, Athlone


All LP, FG and FF r about is managing capitalism in different ways not providing an alternative as genuine socialists 

Kieran Mcnulty, Tralee.


Sam Loved ur introduction to ur 3 panel members.. Looking for the keys to a ministeral merc and the free petrol trown in.. In ur face and letter box wen they want votes, taking the piss out of us wen they get in2 government, and forgeting the most important thing that got them ther. THE PEOPLE


AIB's half year results contain a €500m (€.5bn) lie! BoI's half year results contain a €300m (€.3bn) lie! Both Banks rely on the State gtee for their very survival. Therefore it's conceptually absurd that they're not controlled by the State. It's now clear that the FF led govt are the cause of a continuing destruction of the economy and should be removed straightaway. The Greens are appalling collaborators in this destruction of the economy and impoverishment of the people through saddling the People with the Banking Sector's losses which include Anglo's losses which are at least €32bn (and not the untruthful €24.35bn reluctantly admitted by Minister and govt last week. We must stop this economic Madness NOW! Fire the Govt now and show the Greens up to be exactly what they are... Cynical Collaborators in the destruction of our economy. 

Peter Mathews


No difference between f fail f gael and labour. E gilmore and labour are f gael lite. 

Tom, Laois.


. Do the pannel think its time that the Co Councils were audited with a view to establishing whether they are cost efective or wheather they can be abolished altogether in favour of a much more efficient county management board


how could any body vote for finna fail or the yellows again or fine gale last week they where out playing golf with the same people that back ff the only 2 partys left are geting my voth would be labor or sf 

Richie, Dublin 3


God why not discuss those tonight who are in darkness. Their electricity cut off... Suppose you on panel would not understand this... You and Us. Sad. 



Sam one of the many diferances between the Labour Party and the other two. Is Nobody in the Labour Party was ever up before the tribunals. 

Tony, Roscommon


sam do you know the labour party.have no defineing policy on addressing crime and the media has failed to cop on to this fact so far.maybe you can question alex white,why this is so.' 

Tom, Tipperary (member of the labour party).


Which Political party is going 2 reinstate the pay cuts that the current Government introudced ! I am just an ordinarey Council worker from Lusk !


I would like to know which party would take the least amount of money from my social welfare payment after been elected or which one could get me a decent payed job. PS, Where is vincent browne ?


No difference Sam...they're all in politics ''NOT to make money but to make a DIFFERENCE''.. Which is why they all work for peanuts and forego the perks.. Yeah right. 



fianna fail have been in power for so long they have put their incompetent cronies in positions of power - these people whom i know wl always b lackies 2 their masters. A change of government is necessary. 



Politics, Religon are a law un2 themselves who are out dated & out of touch with society. Atleast media do your jobs, by LISTENING the publics interests
