Emails and Texts, Tuesday June 29 2010
Topic: Respite care and community projects are being cut, but the only things that TD’s seem to take a stand on are topics like Stag Hunting. What does it take to make politicians take a stand on something?
Guests: John Moloney (FF, Junior Minister at Dept of Health), Ciaran Lynch (Labour TD), Kathleen O’Neill (parent of an autistic child, who will lose respite care, and also head of the Kilbarrack CDP, which faces abolition) Fr. Peter McVerry (social campaigner)
Happy birthday Peter, have a good one.
Mick, Roscommon
Vincent, Labour is opposed to water charges, full stop. Check 2010 party conference or Eamon Gilmore's interview in yesterday's Examiner. Cllr Dermot Looney, TV3's local Councillor in Greenhills/Tallaght Central!
Fianna Fail have no credibility, they can blow all the hot air they like but at the end of the day they are responsible for the 15 deaths a day caused by health inequalities in Ireland and for the greatest transfer of wealth from working class people to the super-rich in history.
BL, Galway
What’s next on Gormley’s hit list: hunting, fishing, shooting?
Vincent, your Labour guest tried to explain that tonight’s bill, flawed as it is, is actually thin edge of wedge with dog bill next week and on and on until live exports and imports are banned.
Kevin, Longford
Vincent, I feel so sorry for you tonight after night asking these uncaring, overpaid and overfed ministers questions and never getting an answer.
Alma, Kilkenny
You seem to be a bit hassled tonight—don’t forget Peter McVerry, one honest man.
It the old way again--look after the top and neglect the bottom.
There is a charity for every ailment, resulting in resources being wasted. People only benefit on a discretionary basis, not as of right.
Public texts please. You ask us to text.
Get the Meath hunt to get hounds out after the drug pushers, let’s the real animals killed!
Why are ex-Taoiseach and ministers of justice of this sick country driving around with state cars and state drivers? All these ministers should loose their cars, and all TDs should get to work like every other worker (pay their own way like everyone else instead of this laughable expenses crap). Its a sick country run by sick people. I voted Fianna Fail, but never again.
Charlie, Donegal
Hi Vincent, I sent in a text today about FAS, re: That I was advised not to go for a CE job in an area of interest, but been ushered towards a WPP placement. I can see now why that was from what your guest Cathleen O’Neill from the CDP in Kilbarrack said, that the government are to cut CDP & CE jobs by a further 18%. WPP €196 vs. CE €228, cost saving!! How wonderful to hear that our government care more about Stags & Hounds than its people.
Imagine all the money Moloney and Fianna Fail could save to give to banks and developers if they exterminated the weakest in society … we need to rebel to overthrow this regime.
Bosco, Galway
The days of media being a government propaganda war machine are over. God bless TV3, Newstalk for representing the public, for giving us something to believe in.
Good man Vincent, you are voicing the frustrations of ordinary folk again. Thank you.
With regards to hunting, etc., is it true that fly-swats are being banned?
Noel, Leixlip.
The reason why the Labour Party voted against banning stag hunting is they don’t love Emmet stag!
When are you going to address mental health services. Daily, clients dying by suicide. Sadly, officially nobody cares … or do they? Depends on you, Vincent.
Anne, Kilkenny
Vincent, don’t know why you are so against blood sports since you earn a good salary doing exactly that. Becomes tiresome eventually.
It looks like I’ve to buy a fish bowl to fish out of, cause they want it banned also.
Re: Labour Party's vote on Stag Bill. It's worrying in its exposition of just how quickly and casually they can abandon their principles. Disgusting cretins, political bed-wetters. There's leadership and sacrifice for you.
Niall, Ennis
Oh oh. Tablet time.
Good evening, Vincent. I’m sick to the teeth of the fat, over-fed TDs skinning us poor people to the bone. Why don’t they cut their own spending.
Dave, Tipperary
Labour promised to help animals before only to get votes, and now they vote against the bill. What a shower of … I wont say, no vote for Labour.
Can you please wish Father McVerry a happy 65th birthday.
2.5 million given to SIPTU by HSE, could have used for respite care. There is not one brain in the Dail. Welcome the IMF here ASAP, please!
Martha, Cork
Stag hunting? I worked within the horse racing industry for a number of years, and stag hunting and its followers are getting far too much media time when children all over the country are without foster care and basic human rights. Government, get real and recognise serious human rights and neglect issues that arise every day in this country.
If there is any truth in the sayings, you can judge a man by the company he keeps. Or, if you lay down with dogs, you will get fleas. I would think the Dail is not the place to be for a man of conscience.
Vincent, I know it’s not on the agenda, but listening to the retired accountant heading an investigation reminds me of all the retired teachers who supervised state exams while thousands of highly qualified professionals queued for the dole. Typical Ireland, jobs for the rich.
Tom, Sligo
Tell it like it is, Vincent. Every man and woman in the Fianna Fail party should step down. Shame on them, they have had their hands in our purses long enough.
Iris, Mullingar
Vincent, why is it that Ireland never has, or has had, any forward planning, eg. 10 or 15 yrs., but just stumbles from crisis to crisis ?
Martin, Cork
Get rid of the bogey projects (and there are many) and give the money to real projects. Minister Carey knows who the bogeys are.
Anne, Dublin
Vincent: Embassies all over the world must keep up with the Jones. Population size of East End of London … Boris could run the Country. Or maybe we could manage Russia.
Why are ministers of health overweight and obese?
Good man, Vincent! I am a carer and you gave me and my aunt and uncle a voice tonight. We will keep fighting on.
Respite care being cut because HSE won't lift the embargo on staff requirement but yet they could lift it to employ debt collectors for bin taxes not paid.
The government has to start getting its priorities right. Funding is being cut for the wrong things. Cut Minister’s very high wages and expenses. Ireland is bowing down to the EU too much. A fortune is and has been spent renting hotels to house refugees, etc.
Frances, Laois
The U.K. are not cutting parliamentary pensions, because they don't get them after a few years as TD's here. Use this money for respite. I.D. & mental health are the Cinderella services.
Mary, Co. Meath
A very simple reason what went on today is stag hunting is the elite of country sports, most of them are business people and give generous donations to local politicians. If John Moloney denies that, he's telling a bare-faced lie. I am a country sportsman myself.
Vincent, slightly off the mark of current topic. Can the following be posed to all members of the Dail: can all TDs provide details of their investments in the saved banks.
Why does the Minister remind me of Mr. Beagle at the groaning table while the children went hungry.
Hi Vincent, ask John did HSE find 3-5 million that that was paper trail that would go a long way with care. Too many Chiefs.
“BLOODY”!? Language - please! One should articulate and assert without resorting to coarseness. Quite.
John Moloney is a hypocrite. The actions of the HSE urged on by him in cutting supports and services to the intellectually disabled is causing extreme hardship to the most vulnerable people in our society.
My son is autistic, I have to fight for everything. Same rubbish. Imagine, stage before children. No fear of a stag taking them to court.
Ask Moloney, where has 2.3 million euro disappeared to that would have provided respite for families in Ballinasloe. I mean monies not accounted for between SIPTU and HSE.
Please stop waffling Moloney, you should be ashamed to sit there and defend respite cuts after all the money given to banks!
Maria, Meath
Me, me, me. I, I, I. For God’s sake, how can that Fianna Fail TD sleep at night if he thinks all that bull will work even as he sits beside someone who is directly affected by their cuts. Bring on the election quick and lets get those power-drunk morons out. A former Fianna Fail voter.
John, Nenagh
Vincent, if I was to get talking about social service funding I could possibly cry, I don't exaggerate, meetings after meetings, funds going on nonsense, I applied to become a respite foster carer in Limerick City six months ago and my application is in primary stages. I'm a primary teacher that wants to provide respite for teenagers. It’s nearly unheard of, but here I am waiting.
M, Limerick City
I’m a bit confused, thought the topic was the bill that went through this evening on stag hunting, why are we talking about other topics? Brilliant bill went through, next bill on inspection in puppy farms.
I’m bloody sick of listening to the Minister. It sounds more like he is running a business and not a country. It’s sickening and makes me so angry.
Eoin, Dublin
I admire what the minister is trying to do in reforming the service to disabled. The waste in the service to date is mind-boggling.
Paddy, Letterkenny
Dispense with bladdering Ministers of State and give the money to respite.
Good man, Vincent, get that fool from Fianna Fail off. I am ashamed to say I voted for that party for over 25 years, the same rubbish from them.
Mick, Roscommon
If the government stopped appointing people to look at this and that and use the money to provide services …
Catherine, Cork
That guy sitting there is talking a load of poppycock. We the people have to stand together against this government, we are not living in a democracy, the stags are more important than us citizens. Shameful.
Liz, Co. Wicklow
Every time John “Baloney” is on, he has some future date that things are going to be done. He plucks figures out of the air, unreal.
Fianna Fail have destroyed this country for generations to come and will as a party be destroyed come the election. This crowd are out of touch. The sooner they are gone, the sooner the country will turn the corner.
Vincent, prevent that Fianna Fail man from waffling. Pin him down.
If any front bench minister needed respite for his child, there would be no cuts. Well done, Vincent, on your comment on their big cars. Give Moloney a bucket!
Ann, Cavan
Politicians are not interested in poor people. Hunting people in Meath are well heeled. It is the Royal County and continues with these Colonial traditions. Good on the Greens.
Julia, Co. Kerry
The usual waffle and mantra to waste time to avoid answers. Time to call a stop to this inept government.
Let's review the government! Do not vote for any sitting minister next time. Send then a message they will understand.
Vincent, what is it about Irish TDs. I am dizzy listening to this drivel, ad nauseum. I listened earlier to Michael Ring and I have tinnitus. Now all I need is to hear one of the Healy Raes or worse ... Mattie McGrath.
The government, justice system, etc. are a circus full of clowns, except that its real life. Then all you could do is laugh at them.
What do Fianna Fail propose now since they've passed the bill and closed a company of WHU. When they going to pick up the 150 stags and hounds, as they must have forseen this issue? As closing a company, no finance comes in? Leave them to the wild can be shot or knocked down? So what do they have in place? And what knackery do farmers go to now with fallen animals since they closed WHU? I believe Mr. Gormley has suggested cross border? Fallen animals will be on land too long and spread disease?
Will there be the same outcry from Fianna Fail about water rates being imposed on top of all the other cuts on the vulnerable?
Save the banks, save the stags, but the vulnerable can xxxx off.
What waffle Moloney comes out with, he is so boring.
Respite care in this country is a farce.
Well done, Gormley. You gave the stag a voice.
Why are we looking and listening to any member of Fianna Fail. They only care about their own jobs! Well done, Vincent.
This so-called government cares more about saving stags than human lives. The Freens and Fianna Fail are finished as credible political parties.
More bluff bluster and downright lies from our government, get them out.
Why are they getting away with this, look at Ivor Callely, the arrogance of him.
Moloney's title is Minister OF State, not Minister FOR State.
Please ask that minister, why 22 billion to Anglo and the people that need. Enjoy your job, you won’t be in it for long, we are bored with the flawed way you do things.
I am sick to my stomach, where were they on the autism bill. Mary O’Rourke stood alone and Mary Hanifan didn’t even turn up for the vote and she was the minister RME responsible. Hoave to go to court and then it’s too late. Hang your head in shame, same rubbish … stags before children.
HSE and Mary Harney are a disgrace! FAS is the same! Drumn brothers? Amazing, both rich and in power and both corrupt a great country! To think we fought against the British, our own are worse by far!
What is really annoying about this vote is that they objected to the bill and then voted for it. Absolutely no honesty.
Gerry Deegan, Kilkenny
As far as I can see, the current government are using issues like the stag hunting bill to take attention away from their back-door policies and bills to reduce funding to services that are needed and put more priority on helping their major funding sources such as the bankers and developers. It’s time for change, Vincent. Thanks.
Politicians are shameless, more concerned about stag dogs than poor people.
For God’s sake, tell Moloney to stop the bull and answer the questions.
Connie, Macroom
The minister is waffling and patronising.
I brought an issue to Moloney at the Dail gate and he told me to f*** off.
Noel, Edenderry
Vincent, what a bunch of selfìsh, spineless, useless morons! They need to get the biggest kick up their backsides and out of government now, especially that Fianna Fail man you’ve got on the programme!
As I passed Leinster House on my way home, I could only see it as a house of ill repute. Our politicians continually disappoint and are so lacking in principle.
Brian, Dublin
John is like a broken record talking bull.
Vincent, this government minister is like all government ministers, a disgrace. Who is making out that we're all mad when we say that their lack of humanity in cutting society to ribbons is obvious, but when it comes to saving Stags (noble) they all voice their opinions and votes. Get them out, they're killing our country and services and understand nothing! Its slash and burn everything with them--tell him and Fianna Fail we want them out of government now!
John, Co. Louth
Respite being cut in Cherry Orchard and 19 permanent beds closing, no politician turned up at meeting this evening because of vote in the Dial.
The Labour Party should hang their heads in shame.
Prof. Drumm, HSE bonus was not stopped last year and TDs expenses.
Richie, Tallaght
Vincent, it is important to remember that this country is dealing with an animal welfare act which will be 100 years old next year. It’s about time that legislation is being passed in relation to stag hunting--here’s hoping the puppy farm bill is passed next week also. May I also state that to a lot of people this is an important issue and should not be belittled or deemed less important than others we find ourselves in these times.
Eileen, Laois SPCA
Must we not accept these cuts to pay NAMA fees of 2.5 billion euro?
Hi Vincent, today's Dail vote proves that we don't live in a democracy. We are now residents of a bureaucratic dictatorship. Our politicians are shameless gombeens! All of our freedoms are being gradually eroded away from us by minority interests. The majority rule doesn't count anymore! Worst of all, we elect and pay these politicians to act like sheep! Shame on them!
Morgan, Newbridge
Here’s an idea to restore the respite to the 125 families ... all TD's would forego their expenses for one year. Now that would be 'the patriotic thing'.
Same tune out that windbag every time. He’s on the only two issues, was the drink limit and stag hunting that the backbenchers were making noise cancer services closed they sold out the future of children.
Ask Moloney why mental health funding is less than half what it was in I98O's as total of health budget?
Kieran, Tralee
The Kilnaskully Minister should be in Jackse Bar, he'd make more sense.'
Noel, Co. Clare
Vincent, I think it's an utter disgrace that the government have time to vote on something as trivial as stag hunting while our country is in total chaos, that to me should be the priority not stags! How ridiculous is that!
Vincent would you ask why there is not a word of protest re. closure of St Luke's Hospital, Dublin as a cancer care centre. It is a most excellent, caring place. From someone who benefited.
Fianna Fail and their lackeys, the Greens, will get their just reward at next election.
I'm scared as an Irish national. Truly, we'll be cast into the lower rung of a two-tier Euro, which is imminent, whilst these clowns quibble about non-endangered stag hunting. We'll be hunting rats for food soon.
JW, D14
The usual with politicians looking after the rich and leaving societies most vulnerable to suffer more cuts. They only care about there own jobs, that’s why you see politicians jumping ship all the time on voting issues in government and their own parties.
The death of kids in state care, and the economic crisis, then robbing from the poor to give to the rich will haunt Fianna Fail for the rest of their days.
I have attended all the meetings for the respite closure. Not one Fianna Fail representative has ever turned up! They should remember special needs people have to vote, too! Give up your travel expenses! This will help.
Vincent, I think this stag hunting bill became a surrogate for back bench ire precisely because they were not allowed to differ on what Fianna Fail regarded as more substantial issues.
Michael, Dublin
I was amazed last night that you and the great and the good found the shooting of the two people so hilarious. Shame.
All government TDs will vote with government to keep their well paid jobs and pampered life styles--living beyond our means.
Mk, Lucan
So Labour now support the hunting of domesticated stag. Next they'll be supporting dog fighting & badger baiting!
Please mention the cystic fibrosis rooms that are seriously needed in St. Vincent’s and are now being delayed!
It shows the way in which Mattie McGrath is trying to garner Fine Gael horsey-type votes in South Tipp.
Thanks Vincent, Tom and team for representing the voiceless.
Labour party policy: If you don’t like our policies, we will always them change to suit you.
It's a great day for animal welfare in this country. Just because something is tradition doesn't make it right. Shame it turns into a political football, yes there are bigger issues but this is one issue that will hopefully pave the way for better animal rights. As someone who lives in rural Ireland, this is not a pursuit I want going on in my name.
Aisling, Kerry
Another loaded toxic panel of Brown lackeys to bolster his rank ideological bias. TV3 actually more left-biased than RTE, and that’s saying something.
Stag hunting should have been banned years ago. Labour disgraced themselves by not supporting the bill today.
Mark, Cork
Vincent, its Peter McVerry’s b-day today, what’s his b-day wish?
That stag in newspapers looks fairly mangy and is very far removed from the noble animal Sir Walter Scott wrote about.
Mattie McGrath only one to stand up for common sense.
Fianna Fail voted with Minister Harney to do away with child A and E and overnight beds in South Dublin, Wicklow, Kildare, by moving to Mater in 2014.
Richie, Tallaght
Vincent, noticed the silence last night from the media reps re. Dublin bombings. Strange as is the history of this mass murder.
Daue, D8
The bottom line is all our politicians across all parties lack the moral fibre to stand up for what is right. They are like sheep and you all should not be surprised. Our country is being run by imbeciles and we just sit and take it.
Breege, Mayo
Would someone ask Vincent if the hairstyle he is sporting tonight is in support of the ban on blood sports and stag hunts, etc.
Ask that muppet, Moloney, where's the money he promised for the Cystic Fibrosis wards two years ago. Thanks.
Hi Vincent, please note that not all people from rural areas support hunting/blood sports. Animal abuse is wrong. We are not all barbarians.
Jeanette, Galway
Vincent, I am a Labour party member and have now discovered that the party I am a member of have no defining policy on how to tackle crime. I have established this fact from Labour party headquarters. What has you Labour panellist to say on that?
Tom, Tipperary
Vincent, please get a haircut!
Labour has no principles and it won’t spell out where it stands on tax, water charges, etc. I will never vote for them again.
Michael, Wexford
Vincent, after the sheer incompetence of the governments failing and neglect of Ireland, I now know, what being a TD means: it means being a Total D*******.
My grandmother died and left behind my special needs aunt and uncle. Rather than put them into a care home and cost the taxpayer €2000 per person per week, I gave up my job to care for them, my salary went from €55k per year to €320.00 per week and this was cut to €312.00 in the last budget. And that is for a 24/7 job. This works out at €1.86 per hour. And now we have lost our two-night per month respite. The government should hang their heads in shame! If they gave up their travel expenses alone, that would be enough to save the services for our special needs relatives. If they ran the HSE correctly they would see carers as employees and pay a correct salary, this would free up lots of beds in hospitals and care homes as families members would be to give up jobs and care for their relatives unnecessarily using these beds, this again would save the tax payer a fortune and have a huge knock on effect i.e. clear up waiting lists for people awaiting operations. The people that leave their jobs make room for new employees. And over all everybody wins and are 2 lot happier. Get some common sense lads please! We voted you in because we thought you had some. If you were to look after the country as well as you are looking after the banks!
Vincent, why don’t you ask Fianna Fail back-benchers why they are in government when they have no intention in voting for what they believe but like cowards follow the party line. What happened to people with a backbone who stood up for their believes as they don’t seem to exist anymore in politics.
David, Cork
Vincent, I was going to mention how Fianna Fail TDs stand up for Animal rights, and sit back over economical, and neglect of kids in state care. Shame on Fianna Fail TDs.
Foxes if they need to be--should be culled in a proper manner--not ripped apart by dogs belonging to people who only care about image and status.
Jim, Mayo
Shame on the two-faced (run with the hare and hunt with the hounds)--pardon pun—mealy-mouthed shower who say one thing, then vote the other. Didn't the people elect these 'democrats' and not the party whips?
It was nauseating to hear TDs venting their spleens on an issue that pales in significance to that of the closure of special care facilities, hospital wards and many other more important issues. Only in Ireland, Vincent, only in Ireland.
If the Queen visits Ireland, the ugly side of republicanism will be shown to the English public and hurt our exports there in a crucial year for us--who's pushing this agenda? John, D14
Hi Vincent, I recently had the opportunity to go for an interview in a place that would be connected to the area that I want to work in. I was asked to check if I was CE approved. I went to FAS & was told that CE is for long term UE. The criteria for CE is 12 months out of work, which I am. I was told that would not suit me, I am too experienced. This is madness, I don’t know how long more that I’d be waiting on another opportunity. FAS should be encouraging me to go for that job that I want. Instead they want me to go for work placement program in some area that I have no interest in. Can you discuss this with your panel tonight.