Texts and Emails, Tuesday 22 June 2010
Topic: The banking system and recent attempts to rein it in.
Guests: Anglo Irish Bank Chairman Alan Dukes, Brian Lucey of the TCD Finance Dept, Emmet Oliver, Deputy Business Editor of the Irish Independent, former Republic of Ireland Manager Brian Kerr and Nicola Cooke of the Sunday Business Post.
I remember the Tallaght Strategy when a noble Alan Dukes did the honourable thing for the sake of the people of this country. BUT Alan, you can talk ‘til the cows come home about the ''virtues'' of Anglo but you are convincing nobody but those with vested interest in it, of its value. Now, I suppose, ''Its your job”, tut tut.
How can you put a horrific event like the banking crisis and its implications to the Irish people! On the same program as the "circus" that is the world cup.
Into whose hands does the Anglo money go? Lazy media calls it a black hole but it must have recipients somewhere.
The 22 billon is not to bail out the banks, it’s to bail out FF buddies - the builders
Richie, Dublin 3
If Alan Dukes was still leader of the FG party would he still be looking to keep Anglo Irish open.
Alan Dukes needs to answer for the way Anglo is wasting billions of our money. His sneered response to Senator Ross - an elected representative - was disgraceful.
Can Alan explain his outrageous contempt for every tax payer in this country when he arrogantly refused to answer Senator Ross's questions last week.
Mary, Mullingar
Where did the 22billion go whose loans where paid off? They should be named and listed for the public to see.
John, Tralee
What can we learn from the Anglo Irish case to prevent this happening again? Pat, Limerick.
Vincent would you ever stop interrupting and let us hear what Alan Dukes has to say.
Surely it is puerile to suggest that a State guaranteeing debts of a financial institution, and then reneging on the guarantee would then be able to return to these markets to get further Finance at attractive interest rates. It is absurd. The consequences of reneging on State guarantees will damage the people for generations.
Do we care what the money market gurus think? They defaulted on their responsibility to us. And we will never know where that money will go. Let's do what the Icelanders did and tell them go jump.
Maeve, Cork.
Is Alan Dukes for real? What kind of idiots does he take us for? Why did he treat Shane Ross with such contempt at the Oireachtas committee meeting? Dump Anglo now.
Vincent, we owe depositors nothing.
F.F gave the guarantee because they are afraid of what else will come out of the can of worms that Bertie & his crew created. I don’t want that extra noose around my neck, it’s bad enough as it is. Are these investors going to pay my mortgage? Why don’t you read out texts anymore?
Alan Dukes made a big mistake with the Tallaght Strategy and now he’s happy to defend and support Anglo for The Government!!!
Why would dukes say anything different, he treats the Irish people with contempt, amazing he comes from Drimnagh, a working class area.
Officials on 29th of September 2008 were overcome by naivety in not letting Anglo & Irish Nationwide go bust, they didn't due to a lack of understanding of free enterprise.
Nigel McGrath
We have become so passive in Ireland. Our government and bondholders must be laughing their heads off. We are a country of corruption and nobody goes to court. The first thing Anglo staff get is a pay rise and selection fatigue regarding their lunches. I feel sick about it all.
Mayor elections presently taking place. Golden circle of borough councils choosing which party member for this 30 thousand. Position for wearing a red dress and neck chain. Think time for public choose who we want in this fancy clothes outfit.
Vincent, it's a scandal.
A. Farrell.
My dad invested €5000 in Eircom shares to fund my sisters education after my mam died. Does this mean he will get his money back that he invested all his savings for an eleven year old at the time? I don’t think so.
Alan Dukes as a director of Anglo is legally obliged to act in the sole best interest of the bank. He has no obligation whatsoever to the Irish taxpayer or the state. Can you honestly expect him to answer you in any other way. It really is outrageous!
John, Terenure
Why have lots of banks in America been allowed to go bust?
Alan Dukes as chairman of Anglo will of course maintain that Anglo should remain.
Has dukes no shame. Socialism is now ok for the wealthy.
Seamus Carbin, Donegal
Is there a conspiracy theory - how many of the country’s politicians have loans with Anglo that need to be baled out?
Keeping Anglo going is a crime. The people should rise up.
BPL, Waterford.
Why could Iceland let some of their banks go and we cant?
Who would want to be a customer of Anglo Irish now? So how are they operating?
Vincent, Here will be another generation of Irish children made to suffer because of the wrongdoings of a small group of arrogant men. I hope that the guilty parties will pay appropriately for their sins in the fullness of time. Dukes isn't as arrogant as he was last week. That's progress I suppose.
David, Dublin.
How can they bail the banks out and close down all of the respite centres for our mentally handicapped. It is all wrong.
Anglo was an investment bank, not a retail bank. So why was it any more systemic than a hedge fund?
What does it cost to run Anglo Irish?
B Walsh
Why are the people who caused this mess still enjoying the good life while we all worry about how we can pay this amount of money?
Is this really you Vincent or am I watching APRES MATCH?
Michael Corcoran, Portmarnock.
No matter what forum discusses our appalling banking system no information will ever be revealed due to the absolute secrecy prevailing in the banking system.
Vincent, Mr. Dukes is telling you that his left hand does not know what his right hand is doing.
James, Dublin.
Ask Alan dukes why he treated the daily committee with such contempt.