Texts and emails, Thursday 11 February 2010
Topic: TD's expenses
Panellists: Joe Behan (Independent TD) Paul O'Brien (Irish Examiner) and Ann Irwin (Co-ordinator, Workers' Co-op). Noirin Hegarty (Editor, Sunday Tribune) and Marie Moran (UCD) will join the panel to review the newspapers.
if a country is judged on how it treats its most vunerable this country is a disgrace how can these people expect others to survive on ,196 euro per week would they
Thomas, Enniscorthy
tell that man 2 try 2 live on 130 euro per week after paying 60euro in child maintenance, joke.
Would you please ask Mr. Behan how he feels about our current whip system that required him to leave the Fianna Fail party after voting against the party line. In the UK and the United States representatives vote against their own parties on several occasions.
How can claim 4 travel when their in state cars already whos fooln who
Tom Valentine, Roscommon
Tis no wonder that when they survey politicians about the price of a loaf or a pint, they DONT know! Because they dont bloody well pay for them!
D goverment r in cuckoo land compared 2 us dey need 2 cut back big time
Jacinta, Drogheda
you wouldn't rent an office space in Dublin for €12,000 a year! TDs have to provide for a Constituency office - these expenses cover half the rent
just watched TV3's documentary on the Corrib Gas dispute.A one sided diatribe that didnt even make the pretence of being balanced,objective or fair.it would make Josef Goebbels blush.At a time of savage cost saving cuts to our public services it didnt even mention the fact that hundreds of billions worth of natural resources are being given away to one of worlds richest multi-nationals.This is obscene.The conspiracy of silence even more so !
Fionntan O'Suilleabhain, Dublin
Why are our Tds still going to be allowed to claim up to 15K per year without receipts. Its crazy. In private business i must have receipt for all claims. The same applies for Vat and expenses when i want to claim from the same government.
Richard, Donegal
hi. Now that bank of scotland ireland are gone hope you will be more independent.
Jack Walsh
If, as it has been reported across the WATER, that they claimed for things from a lightbulb to a moate, I shudder to think what our band of merry men may have put in for..
Why was the debate on the corrib gas project pulled for tonights show?
what about army generals with free state cars.
Dave O'Leary
As far as i can c sinn fein are the only party in solidarity wit the people as ther tds and reps only earn average industrial wage.
Aaron, Laois
My husband who had a heart attack... Then a stroke and now has prostate cancer age 52 has taken a but of 8*20 in his invalidity how would the ministers like their huge salary to be cut.. It's a disgrace cutting invalids shame on fianna fail..
Sara, Donegal
the high wages,has attracted the wrong type of person.Either way,we cant afford them.Nor the mess they have left behind..
Karl, Lucan
can you ask Joe Behan how he justifies keeping his teaching job open for years and did he benefit from the difference between his teaching salary and the amount paid to his substitute.
Ken, Wexford
Can we discuss your pay as well?
Tom Dowd
please please give the protestors a break after all millions for shell and jail for them!!! After all most of them lived there peacefully for years. Eamonn kelly
George Lee gone but not forgotten. Enda Kenny forgotten but not gone.
i know now im in the wrongj job
Joan, Limerick
John Jordan, Cork
why are senators getting a constituency allowance when they have no constituency and are not elected
Frank Mahon, Sligo
you should start a campaign this very night thus. Every bereaved family include in death notice 'No politicians please' Would save taxpayer a fortune.
I work for the HSE...i travel 6 miles to work and get a travel allowance of €104 a month !
Shell pipeline. Again - Short term profit and no long term strategy. Wouldn't expect anything less from the Irish govenment. Natural resource supermarket for Europe. We pay and the big boys profit.
Carlyn, Limerick
Does this half-wit behan realise that this is tax payers money that they are drinking and eating in the subsidised dail bar and restaurant!
John, Dublin 2
TD's and Senators are meant to be paid 'IN RESPECT OF THEIR DUTIES AS PUBLIC REPRESENTATIVES'. Isn't it about time these 'DUTIES' were clearly defined. Jim
that guy what planet is he on give him stick
Máire, Galway
So Vincent our TDs and Senators should have receipts for everything and we the taxpayer should pay probably as much again for people to check and collate all the receipts. Genius!
Please ask the gentleman speaking at the moment, ... What,s wrong with using public Transport? ... Another point, each representative could be issued with a standard small car with an agreed small annual allowance to cover costs and if they go above it, they fund the balance themselves. It would cut out a lot of the unnecessary travel, and expenses.
who voted 4 that clown how can he defend them expences?
Aaron, Laois
my heart bleeds for the tds the shower i voted for are like invisible men never hear them or see either in the dail or on news papers i have severe arthritis i used to get a mobility allowance of around a hundred a month towards the cost of taxis and it was taken off of me and when i see all the expenses for travel that tds get i nearly get a heart attack im so angry
Catherine Daly, Cork
Having just suffered the loss of 4500E from my 34500E and now unable to pay the full amount of my mortgage this month. In fact i dont know where i will get money to feed my family. I am a single father of 2 teens working in the health service. It is discusting the expenses paid whilst i have to go looking for a second job just to put bread on the table.
Think as long as signing in. Should take finger prints. Have heard of colleagues signing in others...
Anne Ryan, Kilkenny
u only have to look across to the uk,as regards expences!.enough said.
Shane, Athlone
"Td's need to have something to eat and drink. " Yeah, usually in the shelbourne bar. Jokers the lot of them. Living in la la land.
Eoin, Dundrum
don't let this gormless representive of our gombeen, gutless, grasping government blather his way out of responsibility for his greed.
Carol Shaw
Is Joe Behan for real? What planet is he living on?
B. Walsh
For 38 years as a teacher i travelled25 miles each day 2 & from d school where i taught with no allowances.
d goverment dont care about us George Lee was right 2 get out we need clean up d system
: Will these 'transparent' monthly expenses be on a website for all to see? Even though they're 'unvouched' will recieipts be available for audit if nec?
keep that fool out of my way!
I would love to know to the minister's & TD's actually spend any of there wages? Some of there expenses are higher than OUR joint annual income.
are td's still receiving 55 euros lust for clocking in alone. And what's to stop anyone clocking in and turning very smartly on their heel again just like the mep's did?
Anne, Wexford
Will u tell that guy that this country cant afford them.
with regard expenses,for the unemployed,thru fas i'm entitled to .80CENTS a day for food. Yes thats .80CENTS! Sure you cant buy a bag of tayto's 4dat !
no vote on nama-just bribe everyone-isn't the taxpayer forking 4 it anyway. The dumb waiters
TDs have the country robbed and people desperate it has to stop they have secretaries to do their work
all we have to do is cut the T D at least by half they are doing nothing only looking for votes
Rose Smyth, Cavan
i am a retired emergency ambulance driver, emt. I saved many a life travelled 60 miles neve got any travel allowances, moved from 1 station to another at the beginning. I really believed i was lucky to have a job i loved.
i never in my life got expences to go to work or eat lunch now i get 216 euro a week to live on and pay a mortgage
Joe, Kildare
on the matter of expenses and subsistance allowances.etc.the army system for some only.is a joke.you should look at the amount of claims for army officers.and all the transport we.the army have.
Joe, Curragh
you are letting that TD away with murder. Company cars are a 'Benefit-in-kind' as are travel allowances if provided, etc. All expenses in the private sector are vouched and if not they are regarded as a taxable benefit. This guy sees all these things as an entitlement.
John, Terenure
put all tds on minimum wage its far more than they deserve for the hames they are making of the country.
A Limerick Dell victim
I hope Joe Behans supporters are watching, listening and taking stock. Who votes for these sort of people?
people need their Tds help to get services they are entitled to, but most of the time they don't know they are entitled to them & can't access them!
Just when I thought my opinion of politicians couldnt go any lower, you produce another blathering twat who appears to live on another planet. What is wrong with us as a people when we elect these morons?
Gabriel, Leitrim
excuse me while I get sick what planet is joe behan on I have just travelled 320 km to and from college today to work on my phd not only is this at my own expense but I cannot offset it against my tax on my part time job
Why is there expenses at all? What's the €92,000 (minimum) for?
Paul Kenny, Leixlip
If people want d job of TD they should look upon it as a vocation & take no salary.
the very politicians who were in power when this crisis was happening are the only ones not prepared to take any pain.
If a persön got injured breakin into a TDs office and had to miss work for a week..could they claim expenses?
Don't union leaders earn multiples of their members salaries and are able to represent them. Not saying its right. We have a very unequal society. Look at what they spent on the embassy in canada! What kind of a country are we.
Would like to know if Ml O' Leary of Ryan Air did a revue of T.Ds saleries and xs ,what would he come up with, probably less T.Ds far less money and very limited xs.
Phil, Cork
joe Behan has no right asking you what your income is unlike joe you are not paid out of public money
Catherine Daly, Cork
Vincent Browne is the best thing that has happened to this country since start of recession - he is the only one brave enough to take on the greedy politicians
that guy is such a fat cat an arrogant git!
Who paid 4 Mr Behans manicure? Did that come out of expenses
i am a public servant a nurse and it costs me 200 euro a month on petrol now on top of a 17 percent drop in salery there are people trying to live on far less than any t d expences tell that t d to get real
Will you please ask joe if he knows any employer in his constituency who pays his employees expenses which are not vouched. In a lifetime of working i never came across such an employer.
Michael, Naas
general secretaries of unions are paid many multiples of their members!!!
Senitor, TD, left right indipendant blue green. All reprisent private property. Think in same box. Discussion on exspences is nothing more than polmic's. We live in a capitalist democracy, unless ur a capitalist it aint democratic.
P, Limerick
I am a 43yr old unemployed man living on €9,408 euro a year. Your guest get 12 thousand in addition to his wage and he has the neck to defend it.
ive never heard so much crap from mr behan i work in a local authority in south tipp i drive each day from north tipp a round trip each day of about 100km my take home each week 450 euros no exspences for fuel food nada and ive just had a 5 per cent pay cut
The TD is talking codswallop. Their obscenely high wages are designed to cover their expenses. They shouldn't get extra expenses. They are robbing the poor taxpayer. The qualification to be a TD is that they be able to walk upright and say a èw words. Let's get real.
John Fair, Castlebar
A girl i know not working looking after her terminal ill father wont b giving carer s allowance and no expenses to drive out 15 miles a day
That politician has done his party & himself no favours. I dislike being lectured/spoken down to as he has done.
If Joe Behan's pension levy is being contributed to his pension what legislation is he operating under? My pension levy has no bearing on my pension as is the case with all civil and public servants.
most tds who travel from cork and kerry go by train the max fare is 72 eurn the min is 20 euro the question is do they claim milage
I live in Mullingar and drive to Dublin 4 work every day. I'm not allowed to claim travelling expenses. Thats just where my work is. Is anyone questioning the counsellors double jobbing?
why can a person not get the info about medical cards etc from the relevant office in the county
Why didn't you ask trade union leaders why they get so much money
As a private sector worker i do not get expenses for travel or meals, that behan guy is not aware of how things are in the real world, no wonder george lee couldnt handle the 'carry on' in the dail, listening to that kind of rubbish,
Sean, Tipperary
Tell that guy to get real no working people get €63 for to sign into the Dàil on top of salaries & expences. But they have to work at least 47wks no 34 for one 6 of their combined salaries
Mattie Greville, Westmeath
td's should not have to look for medical cards if people entitled to them. Patricia
brian hayes said george lee left because of low pay what a joke
now that bank of scotland are pulling out,who's going to pay your salary and expenses?
Dan, Killarney
How can that TD u have on, say he has to eat and drink etc. As justification for the huge salaries and expenses.
There are ordinary workers travelling 100 miles daily to their employment paying for petrol, food and beverages from their nett income. Why should our legislators be treated differently ?
..Social Welfare & Council offices will tell anybody what they are entitled to. No need to go to T.D's That lady is right.
people on social welfare are on 12.000 e a year! Do they get travel allowances to look for jobs or to bring children to school. There really is no such ridiculous explanation- argument to explain it. Despite the waffle of the independent t d. Walk in their shoes mr behan
Ja, Limerick
I've worked in the public service for the last 29 yrs and l have never recieved expenses for travelling to work or my meals.
Robbie, Athlone
that man Behan epitomises all that is wrong with this government. Arrogant and out of touch. They have learnt nothing. God help us.
People who have been made redundant also have to eat & drink on €196 a week! TDs expenses amount to more than a years unemployment. Also far too many TDs...what are they doing to earn this money. I never heard such excuses..i.e, they have to eat & drink, the debate is not about ur wages, their inexcusable expenses.
..burglars would break in to tds office just incase there would b an auld brown envelope hanging around....
Is the dail exempt from the revenue commissioners rules on expenses???
My husband is on social welfare.our chlild is in full time education living at home.when he reached 22yrs old was cut off automatically as a dependant on our welfare.he cant get dole as in full time education.the only money he has is student grant which works out at 50eur a week approx to pay books,photocopy and travel for college.love to see a td try live on that a week.
Just How it can cost 1000 Euro a month for a TD in dublin to travel to the Dail is beyond me These unvouched expenses are just a way of boosting salary
How was a decision reached to change the focus of tonight's show, thereby silencing shell to sea's right to reply to the subjective, inaccurate and defamatory paul williams' piece shown earlier on tv3?
Paula, Donegal
Really, why do TD's have individual offices? One number 4 all enquiries. Decentralise.
Phyllis, Dundalk
my daughter got jobseekers allowance then loses rent allowance single mum ask d indo td for answer banana republic of Berties
Derry, Cork
I'd love to know if TDs and ministers ever have to touch their real salary, seeing that their expenses is a second salary. What sort of fuckin eejits are we.
Marian Gargan
apprentices travelling from ardee co louth 40 kms from dublin , to dit for training are not entitled to travelling expenses through fas who we know are wasters what does that say about tds
Going on maternity leave workn in private sector going to get paid 270 euro stat higher rate loosing almost 300 per week have mortage of 1000 plus other bills husband not working why can this not be changed its only for 6 months and i've been working and paying tax for past 15 years
I believe that our elected representatives should earn considerably more than the average industrial wage as politics should attract high calibre people. However, we do not need the large number of TDs. About a quarter of them to legislate would be adequate. If the main focus of the work in the constituency is helping people access public services, then ensure that there are more citizens information centres manned by people on normal salaries.
i have to pay 175 euro a week rent i get 196 a week i cannot get help with my rent my wife gets 196 euro we have to pay our bills buy food out of that now that they have give the T d s there cuts back are they going to give everybody the cuts back
my daughter works as an sna in a second level school earns about 16 thou pa it costs her over 50 euro in diesel 2 get 2 work try livin on this she holds a degree and is studing part time 4 another which she used al her savings 2 pay 4 no help if ur single and no child
i work in the public sector travelling 40 miles each way not getting a penny in travel expenses glad to have a job also paying 50 euro each month its a disgrace what the tds are getting with the state of the country they should b ashamed
I am driving from the west Ireland 2 Dublin every week for 30 years and nobody paid me anything and remember I was only on Gross salary of €35.000
as you were asked to reveal youre earnings, why don't you ask Anne irwin what she charges for training workshops and consultancy work in galway, very often paid for by tax payers money, she doesn't come cheap!
Tony, Galway
I will be trying to do a degree course in ucd in september to gain a skill as my job is gone and do it on 355 euro a week for my family, on the back to education allowance. i get no other assistance, no travel allowance or anything,. i cannot get a grant because of cutbacks. Trip is not in line with upskilling.
John, Wicklow
4 M.P.'s run MANCHESTER, We Have 166 T.D.'s in Ireland. Population Approx 3.5 Million in Ireland & Manchester. Cut the Ammount of T.D.s to 50.
in the real world unvouched expences are included in gross pay and taxed. Will the td s pay.
I'm a public servant who travels from mitchelstown to cork by bus to work everyday. This costs me €70 a week. My net pay is €400. I hve to eat an drink too! I'm sick of these overpaid gangsters.
I travelled 70 miles to work and same back 3 times a week.. no expences in th health service..no uniform expences..ministers and others use state drivers and cars to ferry family and friends on unnecessary journeys..why ar paye workers taxed on salary and then again on same money.. "pensions".voters just rememberwhen those big guns ask for your vote.. and th bankers payed themselves big bonuses for doing a really bad job..how can they face th public every day..or are they staying indoors until we forget
even more obscene about the comparison re remuneration package 4 t.d.'s and people dependent on social welfare is the way the government has dealt with both groups.
The banks may as well run the hotels. They are running the country.
John Fair, Castlebar
That man to your left i dont know his name is right. The roschilds family still rule the banking world. They started word was one didnt they?
Will u tell that lady criticizing the angry public that the private sector coined it during the celtic tiger
every public health nurse in the country has to keep an accurate daily account of journeys to get travel why not t ds do likewise
Why dont TDs get free travel? Get rid of individual transport and have a car pool shared by all ministers. For constituency work use their own cars and they can claim vouched expenses. Accommodation in Dublin can be in a ministerial hostel. I'm sure NAMA will have a few spare hotels that can be converted.
Brendan O'Callaghan
are ye aware that many lower paid public sector workers are now on family income support and they do not get their travel to work paid some country :-). Marie shortall kilkenny
I am a primary teacher on the verge of losing my home. I have a young family. Is this 'mature' enough for your guest?
Joe must think we are all fools to swallow that rubbish.
Anne, Kilkenny
that TD is just full of kite. The Revenue Commissioners would NOT allow me to claim expenses to drive to my work. WHY NOT put in vouched receipts for phone bills and other bills. If I can't do it WHY should TD's. One rule for them and one rule for the rest of us.
can u ask mr behan what a td.s tax free allowance is.
we haue a small economya small banking system would somone tell the politicins
treatment of shell to c people is appalling. The real bullies worldwide are shell. We need a national debate on the gas robbery and release the civil resistance people.
Jim McNamara, west Limerick
get ur average joe on ur show not thoes people who wouldnt know what it would b like 2 do without luxurys they make me sick al talk and havnt a clue
i think its a scandal that TDs get paid 15000 without even receipts. They all have a cheek and the country in recession. I dont get paid extra for travelling to work and i dont feel i should pay for Joe and his cronies in Leinster House
no wonder George Lee left the dail they get nothing done in there
George Lee was right d government r corupt
I once admired george lee. Now i see all journalists like him. Commentators and presenters but now with no substance. Give us a break from journalists. I am turning off. I was angry with government but am now angry with bad and ego centered media.
Mary Brown, Mayo
The whole lot of politicions,are a gruppy crass,lot have brass neck taking salaries,that are out of this world.Get real.
Susan, Dublin
one of the panelists said that rich financiers control the world and are bringing misery to the lives of millions. does he not think it should be governments jobs 2 try to rein in these plunderers and put power in the hands of ordinary people. or are these empty words.
Chris Mac, Cork
Turn the Empty Hotels into Open Prisons for Low Risk Prisoners like they do in Sweden. It will be Cheaper than Building New Prisons.
The citizen's advice bureau is as good or better than any politician's 'clinic'. So there's no need 4 any of this so called constituency work.
Listening to that woman on your panel, its easy to see why she was the only guest in that unnamed hotel.
Jessie, Cork
That man to your left i dont know his name is right. The roschilds family still rule the banking world. They started world war one didnt they?
No wonder the country is the way it is.They are all screwing the system.How dare they.Gorge Lee showed them all up,No Principle.Lining pockets.
Sue, Dublin