Welcome to Politico.ie

Politico.ie - Political and social affairs in Ireland, Irish magazine archives and "Tonight with Vincent Browne"
Politico.ie is a current affairs website launched in October 2009. The site merges the best digital publishing tools with the best analysis of Irish and international political, social and cultural affairs from 1968 to the present day (see authors and features below).
Politico.ie contains current affairs magazine archives from 1968-2008. It is updated regularly with topical news and commentary. 'Tonight with Vincent Browne' is broadcast daily along with feedback to the programme and a forum for discussion. Video bulletins are uploaded hourly from international news channels CNN, Al Jazeera, Russia Today, Real News, NASA, Nature and more.
Politico.ie contains the content and features outlined below.
Digitised archives of Ireland's best known magazines (1968 - 2008)
Politico.ie contains archives of Ireland's three best-known current affairs magazines - Magill, Nusight and Village. From 1968 to 2008, the pages of these magazines were filled by a multitude of prominent authors, journalists and politicians (see an abbreviated list below). The following magazines are fully searchable and embedded as digital editions (i.e. they appear as they did in print).
- Nusight magazine from 1968 - 1970
- Magill magazine from 1977 - 1999
- Village magazine from 2004 - 2008
All content is fully searchable using our Advanced Search. Village magazine is also loaded as individual HTML articles and we are loading the other magazines as individual articles. (About half of Magill is done so far.) Each article is tagged with relevant tags (see further information on Tags below).
Prominent authors and editors of these magazines:
Colm Toibin (journalist, prolific author and Booker prize winner, former editor of Magill)
Vincent Browne (journalist, broadcaster with TV3, former editor of the Sunday Tribune)
John Waters (author, journalist, former editor of Magill)
Fintan O'Toole (deputy editor of the Irish Times, former editor of Magill, author)
Matt Cooper (author, journalist with Sunday Times, presenter of The Last Word on Today FM)
Conor Cruise O'Brien (politician, journalist, author)
Gerry Adams (politician and journalist)
Olivia O'Leary (journalist and radio columnist with RTE's Drivetime)
Gene Kerrigan (author and journalist with the Sunday Independent)
Maggie O'Kane (journalist and presenter)
Susan McKay (journalist and current director of the National Women's Council of Ireland)
Colum McCann (2009 National Book Award Winner, prolific author and columnist)
Diarmuid Ferriter (historian, author, broadcaster, journalist)
Justine McCarthy (Sunday Times columnist, formerly deputy editor of Village)
Sara Burke (author, journalist, broadcaster, former deputy editor of Village)
And many, many more...
Video content - Tonight with Vincent Browne:
Each day, Politico broadcasts "Tonight with Vincent Browne", Ireland's most popular news and current affairs talkshow. The video is accompanied by descriptive text, tags to link related video, a forum for discussion and texts and emails received by the programme. All of this content is searchable for research purposes.
Video Channels - Breaking News
Freely available third-party video befitting Politico's subject area is loaded to the site each hour, bringing the latest in international news and media. These channels are intended as an additional resource for Politico readers, and to bring added value to subscribers. All videos are searchable through the Advanced Search. Students of International Media and International Relations find this feature useful.
Advanced Search:
Politico.ie has a powerful Advanced Search which trawls through the digital editions, individual articles and video content. It filters exact phrases, several keywords, and all or part of a word. A date range filter may be applied. The search returns key words and phrases along with the context in which they are found. It also returns published date, word count, author and other information. Results may be ordered by relevance and date.
Tags/Topics page:
Individual articles are tagged with relevant keywords. For example, articles pertaining strongly to 'Charles Haughey' are tagged as such. Clicking on this tag in any article or on the Topics page will show all articles tagged with 'Charles Haughey'. The same applies to many other tags, for example 'Lisbon Treaty', 'Financial Crisis', 'Crime', 'Catholic Church', 'Banks', 'Northern Ireland' etc. Using tags, we are building "Quick Link" pages for politicians, social issues, media etc.
Translate Politico:
A translation tool is built into Politico.ie as a resource which may interest some students and lecturers. The tool is automated and based on a Google application, and 100% accuracy cannot be assured in translating content.
Automatic logon:
An automatic logon to Politico.ie may be arranged for universities, schools, corporates or any institution. This removes the need for passwords by allowing site-iwde access using IP address recognition. It can also be arranged that the private IP address of subscribers or staff members be added to an account so that the website may be used from home.
Research Tool
The archives and website features are a valuable resource to students, academics and journalists and anyone researching the following subject areas:
- Modern Irish and Northern Irish history
- Society and social issues
- The Economy
- Journalism and Media
- The Arts and Irish culture
- Sport
- Science/Technology/Motoring
- International Affairs
Please feel free to Contact us for any queries