Tonight with #vinb: The eurozone crises

On Tonight with Vincent Browne, Tom Lyons, Sinéad Pentony, Peter Brown and Tony Foley will discuss Spain's proximity to bailout, the likelihood of Greece exiting the eurozone, the possible "rift" developing between France and Germany and - on another note - the latest twists in Sean Quinn's battle with the IBRC. {jathumbnailoff}

We're curating #vinb tweets below.

Michael Healy ‏ @SenatorHealy

Germany has gotten absolutely everything wrong, they continue to be wrong about everything, we need to stop listening to them. #vinb

Constantin Gurdgiev ‏ @GTCost

Peter is getting 2 the point & then dropping it: Banks are desperate 2 raise margins. Cost of capital is up long-term #vinb

Philip O'Connor ‏ @philipoconnor

If Europe insists that Spanish people bear banking losses, the euro deserves to fail #vinb

Karl Doyle ‏ @karld1995

Germany only sees a fraction of one type of an economy and nothing else which creates big problems in EZ considering their power #vinb

blueswannabe ‏ @blueswannabe

Fair play Vincent! Germany is just paying back for years of prosperity! Couldn't export as much with a stronger curency #vinb#euref #voteno

Libertas Nein Danke ‏ @NoToLibertas

#vinb Did Anglo not encourage the Quinns by loaning them the money ? was that not Anglo betting ? I care less about Quinns but.

Diarmaid Ó Cadhla ‏ @gratire

Concept of 'growth' is like managing expansion of a pyramid scheme, with no relation to production or value, it will crash #vinb #euref #fb


