Texts and Emails, Thursday 8 July 2010
Topic: the end of the Dail term and the widening scope of the banking enquiry.
Guests: Leo Varadkar (FG), Niamh Lyons (Irish Daily Mail), Sarah McInerney (Sunday Times) and Fionnan Sheahan (Irish Independent).
''We're all goin’ on our summer holidays. No more lyin' for 3 months you see. We'll be ''workin'' on our summer holidays, to claim expenses and get trips for free. It sure is great been a TD-ee ee, dont u envy me -ee ee.”
FF rush through civil rights bill, hunting bill etc. The deaths of kids in state care never got a mention, or a state APOLOGY before the TDs summer holidays.
All it shows is FF’s unwillingness to admit their failures and neglect of society’s vulnerable, and a willingness to keep their incompetence hush hush.
I am glad the government are taking 12 weeks off as it means we the public are safe from their incompetence for a while. Senators are not elected so why do they get to debate anything.
David, Cork.
Why does the 25 billion have to be gone. Seems crazy. Does the tax payer get to see accounts of anglo? Who advises government? Sack them quick.
What’s Fine Gaels View On Selling Off SEMI State Company Or whats their Jobs Policy Thanks Vincent
The pay deal has gone through with public servants contracts changed meaning more hours & flexible working. Is it time for more hours & flexible working for government ministers?
Dermot, Dublin 12
It’s a disgrace that the Dail are taking 12 weeks holidays and the country in a mess! I have lost all faith in politics.
Andy, Monaghan
I was watching Question Time on BBC a few minutes ago. The comments, questions and problems across the water are a mirror image of here last year.
Larry Butler.
The best thing the government can do for us is to go on their holidays and not come back.
Sandra, Dublin 22
Will the Greens ban head hunting next?
Ireland has one of the smallest public sectors in the developed world.
Kieran McNulty, Tralee.
Is Leo still following the fearless one from mayo even though he has no faith in him?
Leo is eating humble pie having said he had no confidence in Enda and that he couldn't serve on a front bench with him in the future!!! A quick change of mind proves again it's power at any price.
FF caused it. And it goes on. All parties and the unions ignored it. And the public are still paying.
If Leo Varadkar concentrated on politics rather than self promotion by media soundbite, he may find he can serve the country better.
Not that they care, but it is plainly outrageous that the very people who have destroyed the country, economically, are now rewarding themselves by heading off on holidays for 3 months. However, the consolation for the rest of us is that the long grass, and it's ever growing band of furious inhabitants, will be eagerly awaiting their return. Happy holidays...NOT!
Tom, Dublin.
Pity Vincent would not take a long long holiday and take a course in manners at the same time.
Will the summer break help Brian Cowen restore pride and power back to the Fianna Fail party after recent opinion polls results?
Tony Mac Hale, Newport
If marijuana was legalised the government can tax it and that would be a way to start getting the economy back on its feet recession has stopped in Ireland but things aren't getting any better also legalising cannabis would have less health risks than the legal herbal drugs in head shops.
Vincent the show is very boring in comparison to most nights. Try and get it going about the TDs going on holidays. Thanks.
I am a FG man but I have to admit that the government have done well this year. I can’t stomach Richard Bruton after his leadership challenge.
Stop. Thank God the dail is away for a while. They'd bore the socks off a deaf saint.
Vincent ask your panel do they think we will double dip back into recession. It's the feeling on the ground.
The political system can make all the decisions they want! Unless they prosecute the people who bankrupt our country, the working people will not forgive them, but Fianna Fail helped to bankrupt our country!
Vincent. Private or state workers, are consumers. Can’t eat houses or computers! The environmental loss and irreparable damage! Who's paying for that price? Nama cannot afford, let alone accept this paradigm. So any consumer growth in any shape or form ain’t gonna relieve the day! Closer YES, faster. Who dies 3rd? 1st its starvation, genocide wars and technology eco genocide. 2nd. Who's the 3rd?
Ask the panel where they are going on the holidays seeing that kindergarden is over.
Why didn’t the government pay off peoples mortgages instead of giving the banks the money through NAMA? This would have freed up money for the economy, the banks would have money to work with and the everyday people would have come out better off. I am not a mortgage holder and think this would have sorted the recession much faster and with no casualties.
Catherine, Carlow