Texts And Emails Thursday 17 June 2010
Texts and emails, Thursday 17 June 2010.
Topic: Tonight on Vincent Browne. Vincent and guests discuss Enda Kenny's tactics in the winning of his leadership battle. Robert Fisk also joins the panel to discuss Israeli/Palestinian relations. Other guests are Sam Smyth, Shane Coleman, Jimmy Deenihan, Catherine Halloran.
Enda didnt win. Nor did FG. Biggest winner? FF on 2 counts. (1) They dodged the bank reports. (2) The man who lost an election in 07, when Bertie was up to his oxters in Tribunal revelations, is still in charge. FF must be whistling dixie.
Should have held onto george lee
Do your reasearch with this. How many people on S.W are CONSTANTLY in Court pleading drink drug addictions. Does it show how well off people on s.w are?
Thats what wrong with society everyone has this MINDSET Iam ENTITLED 2 this and that, and them who can afford 2 pay refuse to give bk a CENT.
I read in the daley mail .today that 22 billoin of taxpayers .money ..was blowen down the toilit .and that they had no .job of getting it back ...feina faile ..have to go before ireland ..is runed ....and we have no pride .left ..in this country ...they do care . .about the people they onely care .about how much money .they make for themselfs i would to know wath your panel .think .about the 22 billeion .that .they gave away belong to the taxpayers .i de ..like two know wath thay .say .on this tonight.
from raymond.
I can EASILY afford 2 give bk 7.80 a wk living alone. 15euro from disability. 25 pcm phone allow and 10 euro reduction in rent allow. But thats just me.
What are you doing with Sam Smyth on ? He has confidence in the idiot Lenihan that over-guaranteed the banks and wasted billions of our cash and claims that Lenihan is 'respected and popular'!! What a joke!
vincent 2 remarks from fg side today one was this was good publicty for them and the other was some of them were acting like nazis is there any truth in this.
Concerned md wkw
Fine Gael do not rob the state of money not like Fine Fail they have more class than that
F.F. were elected by the people, that is why there is a govt. By the way Jimmy Deenahan said the last time that FG has talent in depth - yeah, down deep with the Titanic. After all if the brightest could get it so wrong isnt it a good job they are not in power.
Larry Butler
Vincent. Leader/s!! Same face different mask. Give it with one hand take it back with the other plus interest!!
Mr P
1973/77 government introduced more reforms than any other government. Anyway any gov. would be better than F.Fail. But we need a better media, not one run by the wealthy for the wealthy.
Finegael mayor in limerick wants to drive young parents and their children into poverty and now he wants to start hanging people what decent minded person could vote fg?
Min wage worker mary moate.
Where did enda resurrect that fellow. Is that what we have to put up with now. After 40 years of voting for fine gael ... No more.
VINCENT I Do not speak 4 everyone on disability. Iam saying what i personally can EASILY afford to give bk to the state from my disability payments.
For the last 10 years I have said" anybody but FF". After today its anybody but FF or FG.
There is a huge difference between the blue shirts and f f . The civil war spanish civil war and more church of ireland support fine gael as well and more farmers support them too.
The difference between fine gael and fianna fail is purely historical for the older generation. For the younger generation there is no apparent difference and you can thank enda's rigidity for that.
I am on disability. I pay bills rent ect. i can easily afford to lose 25euro Pcm phone allow. 7.80 weekly living alone, and take a 15 euro cut.
Vinnie, ur allergic to studio dust, aftershave or perfume!
P.Murphy Dub 9
vincent u are showing your true colours is this necesary? FG in the west of Ireland would want to change their attitude towards the people from D4 and Dublin South.
Good by f gail people dont like enda kenny labour will top the poll.
Fine Gael have played the master stroke and shown their leader to be strong in an effort to boost support for the flagging leader. It was set up to boost support for Kenny. Their was no contest at all. When did you ever see so many smiling faces after a leadership move!
Neil (Dublin)
Bertie had kenny fr fodder he hasnt got IT, enda kenny won by haughy cute hoorism, he is not wanted by the majority of the electorate.
This F G thing was a publicity stunt! Now the public sees Kenny has balls up goes the polls and the front bench wont change much.
Vincent. Leader? Hand shakes. black an white squares, left handed hand shakes! Same old same old! Covert corprate power clubs. . Dog on the street knows the old boys club nepatism.
VINCENT i said b4 and wont ever stop saying. Religon and politics r self servicing power freaks. T.V3 and Newstalk give us that SUMTHING 2 believe in.
The only thing the public have seen this week is how remote Fine Gael are from the will of the people.
Mark in Cork.
Bruton lost control of his jabulani and Kenny now blowin his vuvuzela. Lets face it. Kenny had Uz in da media all floundering around over da last few days and to note that Uz called it wrong is an understatement. To suggest that there iz no one to take da position of finance iz a joke as da previous fianna fail finance minister who is now da country leader was touted by Uz da media durin da last election as being da country saviour and Uz now kno Uz called that wrong as well. Of course he was instrumental in gettin us into da shite in da first place. Uz might ask da panel if Uz think Cowen had grasp of economy. Even da basics and if he had a clue Uz might ask what was he doin.
I just burned my membership card and Jimmy has lost our votes. ENDA is a lame duck and those who voted for him have lost touch.
JQ Listowel
Any news about ff , brian cowen and the recent reports claiming the economic failure is %75 the current goverments falt ,
Mark cavan .
vincent (be a devil) and ask Jimmy will Enda bring back (to furthur unify FG) George Lee AND Michael McDowell? Is this time of bared teeth and flying fur is it true FG are after Paul Galvin as a candidate for the next Election?
Vincent. religon politics tried and continually fail OUR world. Without T.V3 and newstalk leading the way, How can the meek ever inherit the Earth??
Love to be there when enda kenny tells michel ring that brian hayes is getting the front bench post instead of him.
james hughes drogheda.
d blueshirts are finished watch d next opinion polls eamonn gilmore cant stop laughing at d turncoats god forbid D Country ever look 2 d bluesiirts 2 get it back on track.
Liz wexford
Enda kenny just got 4.votes more then richard bruton
Enda has shown how tough he can be. Politics isn't the xfactor, he
shouldn't be expected to be celebrity. Get real people.
"He's more intelligent and capable than people realise" Now who did we hear that about before?...BIFFO!
P.Murphy Dub 9
Enda is the one and only strong polition for this country when i see him fighting in the dail for the less well off and putting it up to opposition it gives me hope fnr the future ber from limerick
God help us all today shows is that we r caught in a vortex of destructive cute hoorism
Political blood sports, the World Cup, blue skys and sunshine in Connemara. . . Ah the summer of 2010.
Aileen Russell.
Dear God Vincent. Where is Dermot Morgan when he is needed. Between the yarooping in Clara when Cowen became Taoiseach, and the Castlebar cretins, we have truly become Craggy Islanders.
Veradkar's right wing faction led Bruton up the garden path. The blueshirts haven't gone away you know.
Tom dooley galway.
What i can't understand is, why is it Fine Gael have to give the dirty digs at the FF party, when their party is on the rocks. R. Bruton had to say this pm, on the news, that F. Fail should have a leaders contest now. Bruton couldn't run his own show & i think he should butt out of other peoples.
Get rid of these clowns and get us professionals - 70% don't want him as taoiseach jW d14
: vincent - i was clearing out the attic and found a copy of nusight from 1973 , edited by you . On page 3 - guess what - a headline : " fine gael in disarray " . It 's a long time to be in disarray !
Mike - wexford
Ireland already have someone in charge we dont want,we are not going to have a 2nd in enda kenny,he wont be voted in and fine gael just dont get it.
How can anyone have confidence in politics when politicans r scoring cheap points against each other. People want RESULTS, not words of false hope.
With Jimmey Deenihans loyalty will he be Fine Gaels new Minister of Tourism?
. People dont like enda kenny because he tells the harsh truth about how bad things are but they ridiculed david mcwilliams a few years ago and who was right. They are underestimating him.
Gerry in clare.
There now. Thatll teach Bruton and his mongrel foxes.He can tail it back to Meath and set the Meath Hounds on them.Mayo Abu !
Was it not Mrs Kenny an old staff member of C J Haughey who masterminded the victory 2day?? Certainly acted like d squire n dealing with d rebels!!!
It's all your fault Vincent for stirring up trouble, putting bad thoughts in Richard Bruton's head, creating schisms in Fine Gael! Naughty naughty Vincent. It all started on TV3, just like the Brian Lehihan cancer debacle.
Darren Cork
End result of this fiasco is that irrevesible damage has occurred to the FG PARTY.Majority of their fronubench has self destructedBernard in SLIGO.
The real q about the FG result is how narrow was Kenny's victory? I suspect the answer is too damaging to reveal.
Sam Smyth shud learn from experience. He went after ML. Lowry & accidentally exposed Charlie Haughey. Careful Sam. Ur slip is showing.
M. Walsh.
Whitewash/coverup. Results shredded. F g wasted vote!!
Does it surprise you that the blue shirts split against each other . Typical farmers party they couldn't organise a session in a brewery together . But they would come together fairly quick if their grants or reps were been taken from them . Any other party would keep the problems behind closed doors . They were the same in the civil war.
I am a Fianna fail supporter so held no love for enda but am delighted he survived today . Mean act going for the top role when someone else had done the work . Might even be tempted to Vote for them now .
Maria Naas.
Jimmy was right last night. Vincent was a young tiger but failed to get a nomination.
vincent enda proved that charlie haughey was not the only mayo man who can kick southside boys backsides! Allez le culchies.
Fine na gael are finished now for sure now we will just have to vote for sein fein now no other option.
The green isle gang of fg front benchers should be hung out to dry they have no place at head of fg party. They are a pack of wasters who dont care what damage they do, fair play to parliamentary party for doing the right thing.
Jim fg supporter.
fine gael is now officially the party for old men. Scary scenes 2day of zombies surrounding enda (the line) kenny. Only hope now is 2 vote labour 2 get this atrocious government out. God i'm so depressed!
Hi Vincent,
I sure you are sad that you can't dance on Enda Kenny's grave, however i think that Enda and Fine Gael will do better as a result of this. The big boys will have to eat humble pie, and now that the leadership contest is resolved they can concentrate on their portfolio's.
John Fagan Mullingar
How do we know the true winner when they havnt the guts to tell the result?
How can kenny even hope to be teasoeach after today, fine gael are a mess ! Political hari kara.
Sam lived with the hands and was an adviser to reynolds.
The comment of the delirious red-faced blueshirt, who declared to the press today, after the vote, that "Mayo had won", was pathetic. Following on today's vote, Gombeen politics is now, clearly, alive and well in FG, as well as FF.
T, Dublin.
Up Mayo. Dubs go home. Enda won so give up the bitching.
There is no way i will be voting for fine gael always did they have done themselves no favours this week.
All u there just leave enda alone to get on wlth the job. well done enda your made of stern stuff, one down one to go.
John joyce
Kenny was blesed today 36 to 34 votes how can you call him a good leader you can call kenny a luckey man tonight.
I never voted fine gael or i never will. But fair play to enda kenny. He showed true grit and he showed some of dublin lads how to win.
One wonders had George Lee not resigned, he may very well have been the next Finance Minister.
From Karen in Moate.
So much for the young turks - Coveney, Hayes, Varadkar & Creighton, more like the young turkeys! From an appreciative FF supporter.
I am little bit concerned that we havent heard wot were numbers on vote 2day,and I dont like that votes were shredded,not very democratic by f.gael,surely we should know how close it was,.wudt vote kenny,labour wil get my vote,they are a mess,
mary tipp.
Time for a new party Let Richard Bruton be brave and call on like minded TDs to join him.
Enda Kenny showed great strength of character and steel!He showed what a great steady honest and dependable character he is,and he is gracious and thoughtful in victory!