Skirts and Kidneys
This recipe for a favourite Cork dish was given to me by the late Eileen Aherne, a well known and much-loved fruit and vegetable stallholder in the market, when I was collecting recipes for my book on Irish Traditional Cooking. She told me she enjoyed it every week. › 2lb (900g) skirts (membrane separating the stomach from a pig's heart and lungs) › 2 pigs' kidneys › 3 onions › Salt and freshly ground pepper › Seasoned flour › Water Slice the onions thickly. Remove the membrane from the skirts, cut each into approximately 2 inch (5cm) pieces. Wash, dry well and toss both skirts and kidneys in seasoned flour. Put the meat and sliced onions into a saucepan, cover with water and bring to the boil. Simmer for 1 to 11/2 hours or until soft. Serve with mashed potatoes and swede turnips. ? More: