Monday, 19 October 2009
Topics: Abuse of children buy swimming coaches, The homecoming of Sharon Commins, the use of the government jet to bring her back from Sudan, Enda Kenny and the abolition of the Senate.
Participants: Justine McCarthy, Gary O’Toole, Ellen O’Malley Dunlop, Catharine Halloran and John Glennon
I went to a priest house. He said to me would you go to bed with me? I didn’t tell anyone. I said you’re a sick man. I was only 11year old. He give me sweets or money
I was assaulted by a doctor a few years ago, I am still scared to report with my name because I feel there aren’t structures in place to protect me.
I know a lad was abused by a priest and he is out of jail now and he is near a school now it’s bad you’re not safe anywhere anymore please read this out. Martin, Carlow
Child abuse continues today. A scout leader/ photographer of communion kids in my locality is known to have abused in the past-yet nothing is done. Why ?
Please tell us what per cent of abusers were religious. Very few people have mentioned this point an thank u for bringing it up. Maura.
I'd like to think that the most appropriate use of the government jet is bringing home Sharon Commins. That’s justifiable. Aileen Dublin
How much is it costing to fly that aid worker home? Scandalous waste of money. What’s wrong with using a scheduled airline? John. Malahide.
I have no doubt the Seanad is a waste of space and money but Enda Kenny is better than the Liverpool beach-ball at scoring own goals. A.Pleb.