Five run away together
Five Run Away Together by Enid Blyton from Hodder Children's Pressis is number three in a series of 21 books. It follows the same pattern as the others with absolutely no character development or plot variation.
With the new Harry Potter release date getting closer, let's consider the previous queen of junior fiction, Enid Blyton, who has sold far more books than all other authors of children's fiction.
Five Run Away Together is number three in a series of 21 books. It follows the same pattern as the others with absolutely no character development or plot variation. There is not even a clear indication as to the era in which the books are set.
The attitudes in the books suggest Tory 1930s – everything is black or white. It is these attitudes that caused a reaction among educators. How do these adult concerns effect today's readers? Probably not very much since the world of Ms Blyton is now so removed from the reality of most people that it borders on fantasy.
Even so, some young ladies might think Anna, one of the Famous Five, a bit of a drip. "Isn't she a good housewife!" said Julian in great admiration. "She may go asleep when she's on look-out, but she's wide awake enough when it comes to making a house for us out of a cave..."
Ms Blyton gives young readers a clear-cut narrative, continuity and predictability – chewing gum for the mind. Cheap and cheerful, and still capable of turning reluctant readers into book addicts.
Five run away together by Enid Blyton from Hodder Children's Press, €7.20 Ages: 9 to 12.
Tony Hickey