Fianna Fail's Policy on the North

A central aim of Fainna Fail policy is to secure by peaceful means, the unity and independence of lreland as a democratic Republic. We totally reject the use of force as a means of achieving this aim.


Fianna Fail calls on the British Government to:

1. Encourage the unity of Ireland by agreeement, in independence and in a harmonious relationship between the two islands and to this end to declare Britain's commitment. to implement an ordered withdrawal from her involvement in the Six Counties of Northern Ireland.

2. Enter into an agreement guaranteeing appropriate financial support for a specified period to enable the transition to take place smoothly in stable economic condition.

3. Promote in the interim the development of political institutions which will ensure civil rights and equality for all the people of the Six Counties of Northern Ireland and to ensure that security in the area operates impartially through acceptable structures.

4. Support the development of social, " cultural and economic links between North and South through appropriate structures and institutions.

Following upon such declaration by the British Government, Fianna Fail would propose:

1. .Discussions with elected representatives in the North to resolve constitutional, legal, social and economic differences with goodwill and understanding.

2. In agreement between the Irish Governnment and elected representatives of the North, the establishment of an All Ireland Cou rt with appropriate mach inery, to uphold the fundamental rights of all the people of Ireland and to ensure the mainntenance of peace and security.


Fianna Fail will seek support for these proposals by diplomatic and political' endeavour at the United Nations, through the European Institutions and appropriate International Bodies.


Mr. de Valera in a note to Premier Lloyd George, 1922.

"As regards the question at issue between the political minority and the great majorrity of I rish people - that must remain a question for the I rish people themselves to settle. We cannot admit the right of the British Government to mutilate our country, either in its own interest or at the call of any section of our population; we do not contemplate the use of force.

IF your Government stands aside we can effect a complete reconcil iation".

Mr. de Valera in a speech in Seanad Eireann, 1939.

"We came deliberately to the decision that force was not going to be effective and was not going to be appealed to as a means of solving this particular problem. Asking them (the British) to use coercion (against Unionists) and asking them not to maintain, by active effort, the present division are quite different things. I think we could ask them not by any action of theirs to help perpetuate a division which is dangerous to us and dangerous to them."

Mr. de Valera on the Ireland Act (19491 in 1949.

"Partition is the result of an action of the British Parliament and Britain should undo it. Furthermore the British Government should make a declaration to the effect that they want partition of the country to end.

Through that Act (1949) they want to pretend that they do not have the responnsibility to end partition and to 'pass it' off and to hand over to us the task that they

themselves have made practically immpossible" .

Mr. Lemass at a meeting of the Oxford Union, 1959.

"Our goal is the reunification of Ireland by agreement. It would be difficult to overstress the magnitude of the improveement that would take place in the whole situation in Ireland if the British Governnment would now reiterate, in 1959, the hope that was expressed by King George V in 1921 and indicate that they would welcome the advent of the day when the Irish people, North and South, would work together in common love of Ireland upon a foundation of mutual justice and respect."

Mr. Lynch atthe Garden of Remembrance, 1971.

"The Government has stated many times our view that Ireland should be united. We have made it clear that the unification we seek is one obtained..- by agreement.

There is no threat in this.wav to any fair demand of the national minority. Iii these circumstances and in the liqh t of the friendly relations which exist between the peoples of Ireland and Britain we consider it unwise to continue the kind of guarantee to the North which makes intransigence a virtue and silences reason.

It would take nothing away from the honour of Britain or the rights of the majority in the North if the British Governnment were to declare their interest in encouraging the unity of Ireland by agreeement, in independence and in a harmonious relationship between the two islands".