Children's Books: Saga

  • 29 November 2006
  • test

Conor Kostick's first novel, Epic, set all kinds of records in terms of monies and awards – €50,000 from Penguin USA for the American rights; a trip to China to accept the International Board on Books for Young People 2006 award and translations into all the major languages.
Saga, his second book, confirms the style and narrative skill of the debut novel, and will surely receive the same critical and financial success.
The story is set in the future where The Black Queen, who is a RAL ( Reprogrammed Autonomous Lifeform) has, by a murderous coup worthy of The Sopranos, gained control of New Earth. Her horizons are soon clouded by the mysterious Cindella and Ghost, a 15-year-old skateboarding punk girl, who has no identity record and lives on her wits as part of a
shop-lifting, graffiti-carving teenage gang.
It is a rock 'n' roll, helter-skelter time, a journey not for the faint-hearted but bound to enthral wired-up skateboarders, the mathematically literate and those who just enjoy a well-written narrative.
This is what happens when HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey meets A Clockwork Orange. Thugs have developed a political conscience and the main protagonists are female. Let's hear it for the girls!
