Bananas and passion fruit in lime syrup

  • 8 February 2006
  • test

A delicious fresh tasting fruity dessert that shouldn't add inches to your waistlines. Serves two generously.

Put the sugar and water into a saucepan, stir over a gentle heat until the sugar dissolves, bring to the boil and simmer for 2 minutes. Allow to cool. Meanwhile, remove the zest from the lime either with a zester or a fine stainless steel grater and add to the syrup with the juice of the lime. Add the sliced bananas and mix well. Cover with cold syrup. Cut the passion fruit in half, scoop out the seeds and add to the bowl. Stir well. Leave to macerate (steep) for at least an hour. Serve chilled with heart-shaped biscuits and softly whipped cream.

Makes 25 – you will have lots to share!

Put the flour and sugar into a bowl, rub in the butter as for shortcrust pastry. Gather the mixture together and knead lightly. Roll out to 7mm thick. Cut into rounds with a 6cm cutter, or heart shapes. Bake in a moderate oven, 180C/350F until pale brown – 8-15 minutes, depending on the thickness of the biscuits. Remove and cool on a rack. Serve with fruit fools, compotes and ice creams.

Note: Watch these biscuits really carefully in the oven. Because of the high sugar content they burn easily. They should be a pale golden colour – darker will be more bitter.
