
The future for Poland's politics

The outcome of Poland's general election represents far more then a change of regime, it is indicative of a new Poland with a maturing democracy, a country which is at last at ease with its place in Europe and whose future is no longer held in the iron fist of history but in the hands of it's citizens.

Cowboys and Indians

Colm Mac Con Iomaire, a member of Irish band The Frames, writes about encounters with Native Americans whilst on tour in the United States. The Frames play a Halloween concert at the National Museum of Modern Artin Dublin this evening.

Caught between a Turk and a hard place

The standoff between the Kurds, Turkey and Iraq has brought Turkish military intervention into northern Iraq closer. But Kurdish claims for autonomy are reasonable. By Eoin Ó Broin

Fujimori faces questioning

Ex-President of Peru Alberto Fujimori today faces the first in a series of interrogations and trails in which he has been accused of gross human rights violations during his presidency, as well as massive corruption. The 69 year old of Japanese descent ruled from 1990 to 2000.

A future for the Left

Norway and Italy's governments have shown that there is a place for a left alliance in European governments. Ireland's left could learn from them.
By Eoin Ó Broin
