
Bank Levies - SFWP Style

Sinn Fein, the Workers Party, strenuously denies that any of its finance comes from robberies. In spite of these denials however we have identified the following robberies as having been carried out by members of the Official IRA since 1975.

Thuggery: The Ugly face of the SFWP

The image which SFWP presents to voters in the South as the party of "peace, justice and class politics" and as "the party you can trust" is very different to reality of the Official IRA which has been responsible for some of the most horrific atrocities in Northern Ireland in the past deecade. We list elsewhere the horrors for which the oganisation was responsible in 1972. Below we list the most salient examples of thuggery for which the Official IRA have been responsible.

Special Debate: A steady resistance to moral indignation

Politicians, journalists, a feminist and an economist discuss the significance of Election 1982.

The interview took place on Wednesday, March 3. Brian Lenihan of Fianna Fail was to have participated but had to withdraw at the last moment.

Fianna Fail: The Tree we Planted is Rotten

How have we got into the position that an amalgam of these two sets of people is the only alternative to the Coalition?" People everywhere seem to be asking this question with a sense of shock since, within a week of the election result, the operators on both wings of Fianna Fail have, one after another, been exposed to public view by the newspapers, radio and television. The question is easily answered and there is no justification for shock.

The best and the worst for the senate

The Senate election is the most 'insiders' of all Irish elections and it has one underlying theme - survival. It is essentially an underground campaign with the deals and double-deals, the back-stabbing and character assassination carefully hidden from media and public view.

Fine Gael - almost as bad

Magill had commissioned a cover for this issue depicting Garret FitzGerald as a prostitute for having sold his party's soul in its quest for power over the week prior to the election of a Taoiseach - we were naturally constrained from printing this by the revelation of Haughey's astounding deal with Tony Gregory. By Vincent Browne

How Haughey came to terms with the Gregory team

  • 28 February 1982
  • test

Pushing on the Open Door. By Gene Kerriagn

By the time it was over the office at 20 Summerhill Parade was smothering in paper. It's a community centre office around which revolve the various strivings of activists who have for years been trying to organise a fight back against the waves of economic and social problems flooding the neighbourhood. The avalanche of paper was started when Tony Gregory handed Charlie Haughey a two-page document on the Tuesday after the election.

Wigmore - Seamus Brennan, Liam Nolan, the Knights of Columbanus

  • 21 February 1982
  • test

THE KNIGHTS of Columbanus were active overtly and covertly during the course of the election campaign. We received an anonymous note saying that the organisation's headquarters had sent directives to its members on how to vote, singling out a number of outgoing TDs for special attention. We visited the offices of the Knights and enquired at the reception area if we could have a copy of the circular issued to members in connection with the general election.
