
Modern, efficient and just legal system needed for Ireland

The recent controversy involving the courts, in which a vicious rapist got a three-year suspended sentence, is indicative of the rot that pervades the Irish judicial system. Judges, answerable to no one, are able to hand down inconsistent sentences almost with impunity. The sentences that are handed down daily in Irish courts have less to do with the law and more to do with the judges' moods, whims and biases. These people are living in ivory towers, untouched by the real world and the consequences of their actions.

Letters to the Editor 2006-02-23

"1916" is so intertwined with the official (and popular) "narratives" of the origin of our State – and how we see ourselves as a people – that it is almost impossible to have a clinical or rational debate on the Rising and its implications. You are to be congratulated on facilitating that debate.
