A month of apples

LAST MONTH'S harvest is now in full swing. There are still some soft fruit pickings to be made, but these will soon give way to top fruit: apples and other tree-grown fruit. The old country orrchards are now brimming with that old reliable dessert apple, Beauty of Bath, which will be ready for plucking shortly. In more recent planntations, this apple has been replaced by the variety George Cave, a seedling of Beauty of Bath and generally regarded as being superior. Some gardens are fortunate enough to boast an even earliier and, in many ways, finer apple, the Gladstone.

Marx at Warwick

A UNIQUE conference was held at Warwick University early in July. It was jointly sponsored by Ink Links, a new Marxist publishing firm in Britain, and by the Lipman Trust, a socialist education fund : associated with the annual Socialist Register Review.

Some Summer

WHEN IT COMES to the weather, people's memories seem to let them down badly. Right now, while the geneeral public suffers under the illusion that this is the worst summer since the Flood, the Meteorological Office is calmly churning out statistics to prove us all wrong.

The Green Paper - From sprint to marathon

THE SHORT RUN stimulus to the economy by the measures taken in the Government's first twelve months in office cannot be sustained. The illusion of abolishing rates, cutting income tax, abolishing car tax, abolishing wealth tax and cutting social insurance tax on those with low incomes, while simulltaneously increasing public expenditure, is over. By Sean D. Barrett
