Adams and McGuinness plotted against Wolfe Tone ideal of breaking connection
A republican Sinn Fein commemoration has been told that Adams and McGuinness were never republicans in the first place as they have settled for “equality of status” rather than the Wolfe Tone ideal of breaking the connection with England.
A republican Sinn Fein commemoration has been told that Adams and McGuinness were never republicans in the first place as they have settled for “equality of status” rather than the Wolfe Tone ideal of breaking the connection with England.
Speaking at the Wolfe Tone Bodenstown commemoration on Sunday 10th June, the vice president of republican Sinn Fein, Kathleen Knowles McGuirk from Dublin said partition was and remains the greatest evil that the British ever inflicted on Ireland.
Britain's continuing strategy of returning the failed entity, that is referred to as the North, to normality has shown that they lied when they said back in the 1990's that Britain had no economic, strategic or selfish interest in Ireland, she told the gathering.
How then can they justify their continued occupation of the Six Counties? Britain's interests in Ireland, selfish or otherwise, shall always be served until we break the connection, the never failing source of all our political ills, she added.
How can anyone begin to understand the thinking in 1986 when Adams and company left the republican movement to enter Leinster House. At a time when the national struggle was at the height of its power Adams and McGuinness were plotting behind The scenes to manoeuvre Republicans into accepting Leinster House as the only way to “break the connection.” They have since abandoned the national struggle, accepted a Partitionist assembly, and the RUC under a new name.
Republicans will never accept either a British presence or any involvement one way or the other in the six occupied counties.
I believe that I am addressing Republicans whose dedication to a free and democratic Ireland has left them uncorrupted, people who have no price so therefore cannot be bought.