Homage to the Gaelic Athletic Association
The attendance at Croke Park for the Ireland v England game was a tribute to the GAA and its stadium.
The attendance at Croke Park for the Ireland v England game was a tribute to the GAA and its stadium.
A) a brief description of the Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR) process and the role of JRS
It is estimated that 30,000 children took part in the fighting which devastated former Zaire(1).
The renewed fleeting panic over child sex abuse, following on the revelation that the Gardaí ignored representations from the Austrian police authorities about Irish subscribers to a child pornography site, is yet the latest illustration of denial of the scale of child sex abuse here.
“I will not put Fianna Fáil back in government. Now is there any part of that you don't understand?” - Pat Rabbitte, 8 January 2007 on Questions and Answers
PLUS Bertie's speech at the opening of Leas Cross 23 April, 1998
The decision of the American President, George Bush, to intensify the war in Iraq and, thereby, to consign yet further tens of thousands of Iraqis to slaughter and many more to misery, forces decisions on Ireland. In particular, it raises the issue of the continued use of Shannon airport as a facilitation for the American forces' operations in Iraq.
The next year is likely to be important for Ireland. Two elections take place that will decide much about our politics and possibly our society on both parts of the island for a while.
The tenor of Dermot Desmond's defiant statement on 20 December, in response to the Moriarty tribunal report, was that he had been vindicated by the tribunal. This is less than the full import of the Tribunal's conclusions concerning Dermot Desmond. The following are some of the conclusions of the Tribunal.