Insufficient damage

Had the 'Pitstop Ploughshares' done more damage to US military aircraft at Shannon they might have been found 'not guilty' by now

Placing politics

The Irish Times has shifted to the right, where as the Guardian has been more "serious mainstream" recently.


Bird Flu

Journalists tendancy to panic and not to educate itself has meant that the coverage in bird flu has deteriorated as the week's go on.



This week two freesheets, Metro and Herald Am arrived on the media scene.  

No pay on the chain gang

After the European court ruling that prisoners are entitled to vote, Harry Browne
looks at the next frontier in the fight for prisoners' democratic rights: the fact that they
do productive work in jail for little or no money


While the British media obsess about the situation in Iraq Ireland's coverage is dismal.


Shannon stopovers

The mainstream media's neglect of what has been landing at Shannon Airport cannot be separated from its distaste for (what's left of) the anti-war movement.

