Statement: Minister's directions flouted in Gabhra

Muireann Ní Bhrolcháin of SaveTara has written to Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Dick Roche, and the Taoiseach regarding the works being undertaken on behalf of the National Roads Authority / Meath County Council along the section of the proposed route of the M3 motorway in the Gabhra Valley, near the Hill of Tara in Co Meath. The message says that the tree-felling and use of heavy  digging machinery at Lismullin and at the base of Rath Lugh (one of Tara's outlying defensive fortifications) is not being carried out in accordance with the minister's directions.


It seems that standards of best archaeological practice are not being observed and that the directions are being openly flouted. When the minister gave directions on 11 May, 2005 he said that: “The removal of forestry and topsoil at Lismullin and Ardsallagh will be carried out under archaeological supervision; all construction topsoil stripping will be archaeologically monitored.”

There is no archaeological supervision of forestry clearance at Lismullin. Neither is there any archaeological monitoring of large-scale earthmoving from the base of the Rath Lugh scarp. Such actions completely undermine Rath Lugh and the assurances given by the minister in relation to this, one of our nation's most sensitive archaeological and historical landscapes. It must be assumed that the minister and his senior archaeologist must know of this work that is in direct breach of the directives.

Save Tara is asking the National Roads Authority / Meath County Council to halt work immediately along this section of the M3 as the PPP has not yet been signed. We ask that an enquiry be held into why such work was authorised and who was responsible for approving it.

Save Tara calls again on opposition spokespersons to ask for this work  to stop forthwith.
Save Tara group
