When Bertie Ahern addresses the joint session of the British Parliament on 15th May in some sort of closing ceremony on the political career of Tony Blair, it will not mean a lasting peace in Ireland, the vice-president of Republican Sinn Fein warned today.


Kathleen Knowles McGuirk from Dublin said that the event is being presented as a tribute to the so called peace process but the core cause of conflict in Ireland still remains.

The fact is the partition of Ireland is the real cause of conflict and no amount of political revisionism can bury that reality, she said.

While former Republicans may embrace this British Parliamentary event as some sort of formal Ending of the Troubles and take seats in Westminster those of us who adhere to the principles of Irish Republicanism know that there can be no final agreement until partition is ended.

What is happening is an insult to all those who died for the All Ireland Republic.  To equate their sacrifice with the current political outcome in the Six Counties  is a  perversion of the truth.

The legacy of Ahern and Blair will not be covered in glory: instead it will be that they failed once again to end the real cause of conflict in Ireland.
