Mary Fitzpatrick, FF

Mary Fitzpatrick, Fianna Fail, Dublin Central.
Elected to Dublin City Council in 2004, Mary Fitzpatrick is also the representative for all Dublin county councilers in the Fianna Fail National Executive. Mary has grown up in her consticuency, which she feels has undergone dramatic changes in recent years. Issues of congestion, quality of life, transportation and traffic are the major local concerns, and she believes she was instrumental in ensuring the recently introduced heavy goods vechicle ban was extended to her area. On the national stage, Fitzpatrick thinks that it is stating the obvious when she draws attention to environmental issues like climate change and global warming. She wants to see a 'global approach to a global problem', and believes that all other policies are worthless if we cannot live in the environment as it is now. For her, an 'all-party approach' to the potential energy crisis and environmantal issues is necessary, as in this area 'party-political squabbles' are pointless.