Labour - Jan O'Sullivan
Q & A with Limerick East Labour Party candidate Jan O'Sullivan
Name Jan O'Sullivan Address 7 Lanahrone Ave., Corbally, Limerick Date of birth 6/12/1950 Constituency Limerick East Party Labour
Occupation :
Public rep.
Previous occupation:
Montessori teacher/mother
Financial Interests:
Income (aside from income derived from political office):
Approximate net worth of capital assets aside from family residence:
Nil except bank account
Information on political career to date:
Limerick City Council, 1985 to 2003; seanad eireann, 1993-1997; elected to Dail in by-election of 1998 and general election of 2002.
Personal election manifesto:
I intend to address the major health, community protection and social inequality issues in my constituency. At national level, equity and access to health and education are my main concerns.
Why should people vote for me?:
Because I have a record of focusing on achieving change rather than simply describing the problem. I am strongly committed to developing the West and Mid-West as a counterbalance to the growing Dublinization of the country.
What do you consider to be the main election issues in your constituency?
Health services; law and order; special needs education, school planning.
Were do you stand in relation to these constituency issues?
Health services need a one-tier system based on need; more beds, nurses and doctors; elder-care public beds and home support and an efficient organizational structure; law and order needs more community policing and co-ordination between public bodies; a rights-based approach to children with special needs and forward planning for school need.
How much money do you expect to spend in the election campaign?
Approx €20,000
What will be the sources of this finance?
Donations of friends and supporters, fund-raising, personal finances