Labour - Emmet Stagg

Q & A with Kildare North Labour Party candidate Emmet Stagg


 Name Emmet Stagg AddressLodge Park, Straffan, Co. Kildare Date of birth 04/10/1944 Constituency  Kildare North Party  Labour








Occupation :

Full time Public Representative

Previous occupation:

Before election to Dail in 1987  - Medical Laboratory Technologist

Financial Interests:


Income (aside from income derived from political office): 


Approximate net worth of capital assets aside from family residence:

 €15,000 in bank

Information on political career to date:

Currently Labour Party Chief Whip.   June 2002 to date, and 1997 to 2002.
Labour Party Spokesperson on Public Enterprise.   September 1997 to June 2002.
Minister of State, Department of Transport, Energy and Communications.  20th December 1994 to 26th June, 1997.
Minister of State, Department of the Environment.   14th January 1993 to 17th November, 1994.
Former Labour Party Spokesperson on Social Welfare.
Former Labour Party Spokesperson on Agriculture.
Member of the Oireachtas Committee on Unemployment.  1991 to 1992.
First elected to the Dáil in 1987.
Member of Kildare Vocational Education Committee.   1985 to 1993.
Member of Kildare County Council.   1978 to 1993 and 1999 to 2003.
Chairperson of Kildare County Council.    1981 to 1982.
Member of the Eastern Health Board.    1979 to 1985.

Why should voters in your constituency vote for you rather than for other candidates, including candidates representing the political party which you represent?
Service and availability. Straight talking. Record of achievements in housing and alternative energy


What do you consider to be the main election issues in your constituency?

Education and Childcare
Transport (traffic)
Crime and Garda Resources

Were do you stand in relation to these constituency issues?

(Stupid question.  Do you want me to write a thesis on each.)  I want to solve them.

How much money do you expect to spend in the election campaign?

Maximum allowed.  I don't spend it, the Labour Party does.


What will be the sources of this finance?

Usual fund raising - race nights etc.