Inflation rise to 5.2% a great concern
The news that the Consumer Price Index (CPI), (inflation by any other name!), rose by 5.2% last month easily wiping out the already small pay rises under the 'Towards 2016' agreement means that at the very least, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) must immediately renegotiate these ridiculously small pay rises ASAP. The very least that I, and most other Workers are demanding is a special catch-up clause to give us some chance of actually seeing an improvement in our living standards.
Indeed, they should actively pursue a Motion that was passed unanimously by my Union, the Civil Public & Services Union (CPSU) Executive Committee at its meeting held on Thursday, November 2nd, 2006, and also passed unanimously by the Monthly Delegates Meeting of the Dublin Council of Trade Unions (DCTU) on Tuesday, 14th November, 2006, which reads: “In the context of persistent high inflation and to ensure real wage increases for those on lower/average incomes, CPSU calls on the Dublin Council of Trade Unions to campaign vigorously for government action to reduce inflation particularly in the services sector of the Irish Economy and in particular to impose a freeze on all public service charges in health, local authority, energy and transport and other areas within direct Government control.”