Green - Niall O Brolchain
Q & A with Galway West Green party candidate Niall O Brolchain
Name Niall O Brolchain Address83 Ros Ard, Cappagh Road, Galway Date of birth14/04/65 Constituency Galway West Party Green Party
Mayor of Galway City
Previous occupation:
Computer Systems Analyst
Financial interests:
Income (aside from income derived from political office:
Less than €20,000
Approximate net worth of capital assets 0aside from family residence:
Information on political career to date:
7th in General Election 2002, Galway West (5 Seats) 3775 votes on elimination. Elected as a councillor 2004 Galway City South Ward. Elected Mayor of Galway City June 2006. 1st Green Mayor of any City outside Dublin.
Personal election manifesto:
Huge Agenda. Focussing on Transport, Health, Education, Parks, Energy, Housing, Sport, Arts, Community, Social needs, Business & the Economy, All Environmentally related issues, etc. etc. Call me on 091-596680 if you wish me to elaborate.
Why should voters in your constituency vote for you rather than for other candidates, including candidates representing the political party which you represent?
Because of my political ability, my ideas, my fresh voice, my drive, my energy, my agenda.
What do you consider to be the main election issues in your constituency?
Transport & Traffic systems & Infrastructure, Health facilities and service provision, Education School Buildings, Community Development and Facilities.
Were do you stand in relation to these constituency issues?
I am very vocal on all of these issues. I am in favour of public transport and environmentally friendly transport solutions. I want massive investment in School, Health, Sporting and Community facilities. I want to see more focus on local/primary care and preventative health.
How much money do you expend to spend in the election campaign?
17,500 approx
What will be the sources of this finance?
Personal contributions and a loan from myself. Most of this money has already been raised.