Eight hours for work, eight hours for sleep, eight hours for what you will!

In all the hollering and shouting and brouhaha over public service pay and conditions one point was (strangely) seldom if ever made. And that point is: why, instead of insisting the public sector should step up, get busy, and be more like the private, don't we insist that the private become more like the public? Here's a why: because, blinded with the religious fervour that is neoliberalism and its glancing relationship with fact, our only imperative is to grow the economy and get Ireland working and get Ireland working hard in order to grow the economy so we can...um...so we can...oh yeah, inflate another credit bubble and bring on another crash and make sure that the status quo bequeathed to us by the high-priests and druids of the Order of the Neoliberals never, ever changes. Harry Browne says the unsayable, below, out loud.


Image top via smemon87 on Flickr.
