Liberté, égalité, fraternité! Norris rails in Dublin

David Norris delivered an impassioned oration to a small crowd gathered at an open house on North Great George's Street in Dublin on Sunday. Mr Norris emotively railed against the banking bailout and "the policies of the last decade which are untrue to the principles of the Easter Rising".

He said that he would call on the government to convene a meeting of the next Irish, French and American presidents "to read our founding documents - liberté, égalité, fraternité." Watch the videos below.




Billy Byrne (@krappslasttape) earlier posted this photo of David Norris campaigning at the Dun Laoighre Market. 


David Norris at the Dun Laoighre Market on Oct. 9


Senator David Norris Just leaving Dun Laoghaire Market,had a great time. Heading now to open house on North Great Georges St. #aras11
Oct 09 via Twitter for iPhone Favorite Retweet Reply

Thanks to Kerrill Thornhill of Maithu for these videos.
