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Racism: Enda Kenny and media on Travellers

  • 16 November 2005

How the Fine Gael leader has alligned himself with those that believe Padraig Nally was unjustly convicted

  • Indemnity deal: the Government knew that the religious orders would pay only a fraction of the redress costs. Plus The Who's Who of Ireland's Catholic hierarchy
  • Marion McKeone on the media phenomenon of Maureen Dowd
  • Sport: Why Eddie O'Sullivan should go by Ed Newman
  • Robert Fisk and the connection between the Paris riots and French colonial rule in Algeria

Grainne Seoige

  • 9 November 2005
  • Grainne Seoige: Women in the news and the fair face of the foreign media invasion
    • Enda Kenny and the faint hope of a change of Government
    • The Pitstop Ploughshares: had they done more damage to the US military aircraft, they might have been found not guilty by now
    • Going nowhere: 21 problems with Transport 21
    • Conor Brady, Gerry Adams and Vincent Browne

Keane: Raging against the dying of the light

  • 2 November 2005

Ken Early on Roy Keane, who blasted his lazy teammates in an outburst of trademark "honesty"

  • Child rape crisis: how the Government has failed to implement the recommendations of the SAVI Report
  • Aengus Fanning and the Sunday Independent's bogus apology over their coverage of Liam Lawlor's death
  • Overdosed America: Jim Dee exposes the US' big pharmaceutical companies
  • Conor Brady and Field Day's Bisi Agidun on multicultural Ireland

They knew, they insured, they did nothing

  • 26 October 2005

The Catholic Church imposed secrecy about its clerical sex abuse under pain of excommunication

  • Sir Sleaze O'Reilly - the media and Lawlor's death by Conor Brady, Vincent Browne, Eoin Ó Murchú and Eithne Earley-Jenkerson
  • Sex, lies and politics in Washington and New York by Marion McKeone
  • Sean Garland profiled
  • Abramovich, the Russian destroyer by Ken Early

Falsely Fingering Sophie's Killer

  • 19 October 2005

How gardaí got Marie Farrell to identify Ian Bailey

  • John Pilger profiles Harold Pinter
  • Why Munster can win the Heineken Cup
  • Irvine Welsh interviewed
  • Exiled Burmese activists speak to David Shanks about their campaign
  • PJ O'Rourke on Slam Dunks and No-Brainers, a new book by Leslie Saran

Booze-Up in a Brewery

  • 12 October 2005

How the Governement wasted billions: we outline some of the more glaring instances of wastage of public funds

  • Excerpt  from John Banville's  "The Sea"
  • Ken Early on Sven-Goran Eriksson
  • Amy Goodman of Democracy Now talks to Tariq Ali in the wake of the Pakistani earthquake
  • Colin Murphy profiles Samantha Mumba

Circus Politics

  • 5 October 2005

The Dáil has become a pantomime, no debate on anything that matters

  • Ruairi Quinn's autobiography reveals the irrelevancy of Labour
  • George W Bush profiled by Walter Ellis
  • Kerr's Last Stand by Ken Early
  • John Allen Jr on "The Listening Pope"
  • Gerry Adams on the Rossport Five

Shannon and the torture of suspects

  • 28 September 2005
  • CIA planes land 85 times in Shannon since 2001
    • New Indo editor
    • Time for 'real politik'
    • 'No prize heifer'
    • Tyrone's triumph

Beating The System

  • 22 September 2005

McBrearty wins vindication O'Reilly wins delay of inquiry into questionable payment to Ray Burke

  • Labour think-in
  • Fergal Keane on Hurricane Rita
  • Cecelia Ahern interviewed
  • Hain's first 100 days
  • Gerry Adams on Clinton's global initiative

The Making of Another Cover-up

  • 15 September 2005
  • Why the terms of reference for the enquiry into how Brian Rossiter(14) died having been in Garda custody will fail to discover how he died and how Michael McDowell ignored the case for a year and a half.
    • Charlie at 80
    • The reality of Iraq's occupation
    • Labour would meet 0.7% aid target by 2010
    • Further questions for Eddie Hobbs

Eddie Hobbs threatens Village

  • 8 September 2005
  • Eddie Hobbs threatens Village and denies financial impropriety. Inside: Eddie Hobbs and the management of client's finances.
    • Robert Puttnam: Bowling with Bertie
    • Rage in Raphoe by Vincent Browne
    • Hurling final: Paul Rouse preview
    • In & out: Fringe Festival preview

Eddie Hobbs & Cabaret Politics

  • 1 September 2005
  • Rip-off Ireland: tapping into public outrage over massive wasting and incompetence. The overspending on roads alone would fund the best health service in the world.
    • Political parties go on annual shindigs
    • Iraq: George Bush's Islamic republic