Why this really is an Austerity Treaty

The opening salvos of the debate about the Fiscal Treaty from the right-wing political parties and the establishment media have attempted to ridicule the argument that this is an Austerity Treaty. Leo Varadkar called on the Socialist Party not to "lie about the treaty and what it's about" (quite a serious charge, especially considering it's over a week since I wrote to him seeking a public debate and have received no reply!).

Greece: The Workers' Newspaper

Socialist MEP Paul Murphy is in Greece this week, meeting with workers, trade unionists and members of parliament. He is reporting on his experiences for Politico. You can read his previous installments here and here; part three is below.

Greek protesters weary but determined

Paul Murphy is in Greece this week, meeting with workers, trade unionists and members of parliament. He'll be reporting daily on his experiences there; part one is below.

We need a referendum on this undemocratic Austerity Treaty

The timeframe to build significant political pressure to force them to hold a referendum is short, but it needs to be done. By Paul Murphy.

Leo Varadkar’s comments about referendums being undemocratic raises a question about the government’s understanding of democracy. Presumably getting elected on the basis of not giving “another red cent” to the Anglo bondholders - and then proceeding to hand over billions to them - is more democratic than allowing the people to decide on a vital question like joining an Austerity Club.
