Virtual World War

Perhaps people are taking the rise in popularity of role playing games too seriously. The US Department of Defence is developing a synthetic parallel world, complete with billions of “nodes” to represent the world population, in an attempt to foresee the effects of various events, such as how long a country can go without water or the results of televised propaganda. The concept would be to create “a synthetic mirror of the real world with automated continuous calibration with respect to current real-world information” according to Professor Alok Chaturvedi.

City Hall picket calls for full council probe

There must be a full official investigation into the origin of all the training courses attended by members of the Limerick City Council in view of the latest scandal, a spokesman for Republican Sinn Fein said today when a picket was placed on the council meeting.

Threats to Tara



At the turn of the century the Jewish Israelites dug trenches through Rath of the Synods and the entrance to the banqueting hall in search of the Ark of the Covenant.

Hitchens and his two mini-me's

In the last couple of weeks, Ireland's two self-styled print media enfants terribles, John Waters and Kevin Myers, have both had a run-in with the Irish wagon of Christopher Hitchens' publicity train for his new book, God is Not Great.  Waters was duped into taking the role of Hitchens' floor wipe at the Gate Theatre on 17 June in a public debate on the merits of religion (Waters being in favour of God and Hitchens against) and Myers imposed on Indo readers two extraordinarily pretentious articles about evolution, Hitchens and faith, apparently arising out of a stroll he took wit
