Editorial:Aid pledges fall far short of millennium goals

The pledge of rich countries to donate $4 billion in disaster relief to the Asian countries affected by the tsunami disaster may transpire to be illusory if the experience of previous pledges to disaster areas is repeated. A year ago, countries promised $32.6 million in disaster relief to the victims of the earthquake in Bam, Iran, but only $17.1 million materialized.


Some Loving God

This "act of God" in Asia, which has taken the lives of 150,000 people and brought misery to millions, again challenges belief in the idea of an all-powerful, all-loving, ever-caring God. By Vincent Browne

Ireland's tainted economic Renaissance: exceptional times marred by insensibility

These are exceptional times in the life of this country. In a decade or two from now and certainly in a century, the years we are living through will be regarded as a renaissance. Spectacular economic growth and job creation. Success in achieving peace in Northern Ireland even if the last ingredients of peace have yet to be embedded. The transformation of our cities and the environment, and by no means all of this transformation disfiguring. A flourishing of literature, music and theatre. Impressive success in sports from football, to rugby, GAA and horse racing.

How Jesus became God and why

Lloyd Geering traces how the followers of Jesus first came to see him as Christ, later as the Messiah, later still as son of God, and not until three centuries later, as God, second person of the Holy Trinity.

Supreme Court: enormous power, no accountability

Last Tuesday the Gvernment nominated one Supreme Court judge, four High Court judges and six other judges for appointment by the President. The appointments are a mere formality as the President has no discretion in the matter, irrespective of her opinion of the wisdom or appropriateness of these appointments (if she has any such opinions).


Tribunal cop-out

The Planning Tribunal will not now investigate the payment by an O'Reilly company of £30,000 to Ray Burke although substantial favours may have been done in return Vincent Browne
