A more traditional Temple Bar

  • 25 January 2006
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Donald Mahoney previews the inaugural Temple Bar Trad Festival, and wonders if it will help to improve the area's 'identity crisis', moving it one step closer to the cultural quarter it wants to be

Edit first, publish later

  • 25 January 2006
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'Open access encyclopaedia' Wikipedia's libelling of John Seigenthaler juxtaposes the right to freedom of speech with the individual's right to a good name. As libelling on the internet increases, internet providers are advised to edit before they publish. By Conor Brady

Who edits the editor

  • 18 January 2006
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The relationship between newspaper owners and editors 'take many forms and have many different dynamics'. While editors need to have complete freedom, their stance will inevitably reflect that of their proprietor. By Conor Brady

Dates are not just dates

  • 18 January 2006
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Darina Allen wants to make a pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia in search of the very best dates. Here she tells us why

Oprah! How could ya?

  • 18 January 2006
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The day we mourned a man whose life was devoted to clarity, this city was hidden in fog. You couldn't see the Potomac, even on its bank.

Cheeky American in Iraq

  • 18 January 2006
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When Paul Bremer, the former US head in Iraq announced recently that he was about to publish his memoir of the disastrou...


  • 18 January 2006
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Two years ago, she was my assistant. Her English was excellent; but nothing compared to her intuitive grasp of teaching. Soon Wang became indispensable. She could tell me exactly where I had lost my students. She could spell out what was needed to leap the abyss between East and West.

Secular social and cultural sabotage

  • 18 January 2006
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Nearly a year after her death her body still has not been found. Nor has her death received the attention that Robert McCartney's did, despite the alleged involvement of paramilitaries. Colm Heatley reports
