Barring Orders
Gene Kerrigan reviews the first official report of the proceedings of one of the new Dail committees - proceedings which three TDs described as farce.
Gene Kerrigan reviews the first official report of the proceedings of one of the new Dail committees - proceedings which three TDs described as farce.
The problems go beyond overcrowding. The prison is an expensive and primitive response to crime. It is not only inhumane but it doesn't work. By Mark Brennock
On Tour with Druid Theatre in Lisdoonvarna and Inishmaan, by Kevin Dawson
Do we really need Leitrim? It's not an easy question to ask. People's feelings can be hurt. The issue may prove divisive. Nevertheless, the Spontaneous Aggravation Party (SAP) has earned its reputation of grasping the nettle by the horns of the dilemma. And last month's Execuutive meeting of SAP did that very thing - and in the process forged a new economic concept.
For most business concerns, whether manufacturing or addministrative, the task of stockktaking is a laborious and timeeconsuming chore. Related tasks such as stock distribuution and ordering are equally toilsome and cause financial losses where not carried out accurately and efficiently. Enter the computerised Stock Control Package.
Nissans grass is greener
Nissan Datsun's town and country Prairie does not have an equal vehicle type worldwide. It's new, it's innovative, and it's designed to fill a marketing void. And no doubt it will succeed. But the name Prairie belies this estate car's true attributes in as much as it carries out its suburban duties in an efficient, comfortable, and very driveable fashion, and yet will outperform some saloon cars, carry heavy, large and awkward loads, and convey the family complete with excess baggage on a camping holiday to the most inaccessible parts of this fair land.
IN THE Dynasty-style carry-on over who would be President, one phrase which kept recurring was that so-and-so would be "unacceptable to Charlie Haughey". Less often, but still pretty often, it was said that some other so-and-so would be "unacceptable to Garret FitzGerald".
IN SEPTEMBER 1983 AN article appeared in Magill entitled "The Seeds of a Police State" in which commpelling evidence was put forward that Osgus Breathhnach, Nicky Kelly and Brian McNally were ill-treated by members of the gardai. Eviddence was put forward in the article that not alone did a significant number of gardai perjure themselves in the subb~equent trial but that there was a conspiracy among cerrtain gardai to commit perjury.
People can be nasty, spiteful, hurt you for the hell of it. So-called friends. The postcards have been comming in over the past few weeks. The States, Russia, Italy, Greece, Ballavary and places like that. (Me, I got to go out to Dollymount Strand a couple of Thursdays back with a couple of friends. After half an hour of looking at what was washing up on the sand and telling each other that, no, it couldn't be, we decided it was and left. End of Holiday '82.)
The GPA exhibition, by Paddy Agnew
"What's this supposed to mean, Mister. I suppose it's about the IRA, is it?"
"Don't be stupid, Mick, how could it be about the IRA?"