Opinion: SDLP must sense changing winds of political fortune

In a week when Gordon Brown was alleged to have said to Tony Blair: "I would not believe a word you say to me", Bertie echoed the same sentiments to Gerry Adams. The continued denial by the republican movement of involvement in the Northern Bank heist is typical of the choreography and bare faced cheek we expect from Sinn Féin – the Arms and Armani party.

Chile's ghosts might finally be put to rest

This week, the Chilean judiciary ruled that former dictator Augusto Pinochet should be tried for kidnap and murder. It may help the country to deal with its horrific past, writes Martin Mullins.


In defence of God: The Tsunami and Religious Faith

While anguished questioning is inevitable in these cataclysmic circumstances, we should keep some historical perspective, and not leap immediately to the denial of God. Huge natural disasters have happened in the past, and they will likely also occur in the future. We live in a world that is as precarious as it is wonderful, and where the delicate balance of natural forces that generally work to provide a congenial habitat for us sometimes slips, to let us see the chaos, the volcanic magma, that lies not far beneath earth's crust.

Magic and loss

The well-worn tourist trail that leads from Bangkok to the islands is best avoided in place of the wonder of Kanchantaburi says Emma Browne

Snowy regrets - snezhoye sozhaleniye

To put the record straight, my childhood Christmas memories are non-existent, and the reason is simple: in the Soviet Union, where I grew up, we were not allowed to celebrate it. Instead of Jesus Christ's birthday we were supposed to celebrate Lenin's on 22 April.

An Óige forced to sell 8 hostels

An Óige is closing and selling eight of its hostels in counties Cork, Kerry, Wicklow, Galway, Donegal and Wexford, because of its "precarious financial position" according to a letter issued on 21 October to the managers of the hostels to be closed.

