
5,000 'sail' to Cuba to Close Guantánamo

Over 5,000 people from more than 90 countries are participating in an online campaign to persuade the US government to close the country's prison camp at Guantánamo, Cuba. The campaign, organised by Amnesty International, involves a virtual flotilla that will 'sail' to Cuba for the duration of the campaign. The campaign will run until 26 June, International Day for the Protection of Victims of Torture.

The draining of Africa's wealth

by Patrick Bond and Lee Sustar -

Patrick Bond is a political economist and activist at the University of KwaZulu Natal in South Africa. He is the author of numerous books on Africa, most recently, Looting Africa: The Economics of Exploitation. He spoke to Socialist Worker's Lee Sustar about imperialism and resistance in Africa today.

Stay the course, pay the price

The Bush administration's new Iraq strategy is the latest phase of an imperial disaster born of ignorance, arrogance and incompetence, says Godfrey Hodgson

The Battle for Canada

The Liberal Party leadership convention in Montreal last December began as a typical political affair - 5000 delegates, endless mumbling into mobile phones, clandestine handshakes and pledges of support.

Saddam associates hanged

The hanging of two of Saddam Hussein's former aides has sparked further outrage from around the world at the regime's continued capital punishment.  The two were hanged at dawn yesterday on charges of crimes against humanity for the killing of almost 150 Shias in retribution for a failed assassination bid on Saddam in 1982. 

Washing away the revolution

Since June, protests have reigned in Oaxaca, southern Mexico. As the clean-up of the city begins ahead of the tourist season, protesters have warned that the social problems which caused the riots will not be washed away as easily as the graffiti they left behind. By Marc Lacey

Serbian war criminal's urban odyssey

Former Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic, wanted for the most heinous crimes of Bosnia's civil war, has eluded capture for 11 years. Now details have emerged of his network of Belgrade hiding places. By Nicholas Wood

Race for the White House

Although there are now more blacks than ever in Congress, a white woman is still more likely to become US President in 2008 than a black man. By Adam Nagourney.

Tsunami survivors struggle to carry on

Many of the billions raised in aid of victims of the tsunami in South East Asia two years ago have been lost to corruption and mismanagement. By Seth Mydans in Banda Aceh, Indonesia

